Chapter Thriteen

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That blimmin Travis Black god me up at five blimmin o'clock so that we could be on the blimmin road by six-thirty IN THE BLIMMIN MORNING!

Travis was driving me, with mum and Liam following behind in her mini, to McClellanville in South Carolina to have thanksgiving with his parents and siblings. In all honesty, I was freaking out about meeting them.

So far we had driven for two hours, we were stopping at a grocery store in Camden for some breakfast and some snacks for the road. We pulled into the carpark of the grocery store and we all got out of our cars.

Mum and Liam went into the store immediately to get out of the cold and start their shop.

"You cold princess?" Travis asked.

I shook my head. "I'm fine." I smiled up at him.

"Come here." Travis said and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. "I just want to make sure you don't freeze." He said and we started walking into the store.

Travis grabbed a basket with his free hand. When we would find something that we wanted, I would grab it and put it in the basket since Travis insisted on keeping his arms around me.

When we caught up with mum and Liam I noticed they had a lot of fruit and healthy things. I smiled, mum always said that if you know you're going to have a big meal filled with not so healthy things then everything else you eat that day should be healthy.

"You okay honey?" My mum asked me.

"It's to early!" I complained making mum and Travis laugh.

"I thought you would have gone back to sleep in the car?" Mum asked shocked, while putting some healthy nut bars into her basket.

"Oh, trust me, I tried. But blimmin Travis wouldn't let me, he kept talking. And talking. And he wanted to play car games." I pouted.

Mum sent a glare to Travis.

"I'm sorry princess. I know you're tired and so am I. I just thought it would... be fun... to... spend time... together..." He said in between fake sobs, making us all laugh. "It's... not funny." He continued.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Would you rather I drive? I reckon it would be fun if you let me drive." I laughed and pretended to use a steering wheel, I started making car noises with my mouth.

"Oh, honey." My mum laughed. "Have you two got everything you need?"

I looked at Travis who nodded. "Yeah, I think this will be enough, if not we can stop at a corner store somewhere else."

"All righty then, let's get a move on."

"Mum, can I...." Liam started pointing at a bag of m&m's.

"Nope." She said and walked over to the counters.

I looked up at Travis as if asking him, he nodded and I quickly grabbed them and hid them in the basket before mum could see. Travis and I walked up to the counter laughing.

Once we had all paid for all our food we headed out to our cars. I talked to mum while she put their things in the back seat of her mini, while Travis handed over the goods to Liam.

Once Travis gave me the thumbs up, meaning he had successfully delivered the package.

I said a quick goodbye to mum and ran back to Travis' truck. We quickly got in and started driving off to our next stop which was only a quarter of an hour drive from where we were. We had planned to have a one or two hour stop off at Goodale State park so that we could eat and stretch.


Naomi had been spending all of her time with Travis, seriously, ever since that wolf came to town she's been with him. I'm her brother, I'm the one who is supposed to protect her, not some wolf who thinks that she's his. Cause she's not his. I don't like how close they are. I just don't understand why he's always around, like thank you, you've saved my sister from bullies, can you leave now?

I don't like when boys look at my sister. I just don't want her getting hurt again, and if I had any say in it, which apparently I don't, then she wouldn't be anywhere near the male species apart from family.

Travis is a nice guy and all, I just don't like him around my sister.

Mum was currently belting out the lyrics to some new pop song while she drove towards the Goodale state park. I rolled my eyes at her. Whenever we were going on a drive longer than five minutes, she would belt lyrics to any song that she could.

I unzipped my backpack and grabbed out the m&m's Naomi and Travis had gotten me. I opened them and started eating.

"STANDING OVER THERE WITH YOUR BO....Umm excuse me, what are those Liam Aaron Jackson?!" Mum stopped mid singing.

"M&m's." I grunted.

"I thought I told you no?"

I smirked. "You didn't tell Naomi though."

"Oh that little she-devil." Mum said.

I kept chewing on my m&m's, putting more into my mouth and repeating. A few minutes later a flick came to my ear. "OWW! What was that for?" I growled.

"Are you going to share or not?" She scowled.

"But... I..." I rolled my eyes and handed over the packet of m&m's.

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haha so what do you think?

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