Chapter Twenty-One

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Travis had carried me to a spare bedroom where he then placed me into the bed. I pulled the covers right up to my nose and let the tears flow.

I was punished for not being a beast like them. I was bullied for not being a beast.

"Goodnight Naomi. Get some sleep and I'll be in the room next door if you need me." Travis said walking over to the door.

I sat up, wanting to ask him to not leave. I wanted him to stay and comfort me. I wanted him to be here to protect me just incase something happened. But he wasn't human. He had no idea why I wasn't talking to him, nor why I wouldn't touch him.

"Is something wrong princess?" Travis asked.

I know I shouldn't keep it from him. But I was scared. Should I just tell him? "I... I ummm... I'm... Dogs...." I paused, realizing I wasn't making any sense. "I'm scared of dogs. I'm sorry, but that's why I've been distant. Well... that, and you lied to me."

Travis looked hurt, but he nodded. "I understand. Thank you for opening up to me and telling me that." He gave me a small smile.

"C-can you stay?" I asked. "Like... I mean... Can you not leave me alone right now? I don't trust myself and I... I'm scared." I confessed.

Travis nodded and shut the door before walking over to me. "As you wish, my beautiful princess." He paused and then his eyes lit up. "I have an idea, if I may?" I nodded at him to continue. "Well, I understand that you are scared of me and my wolf, but maybe if we promise to never hurt you and always protect you. Would you be willing to give us another chance?" Travis asked and paused. "I'm sorry for lying and keeping secrets. But baby girl, you mean the world to me... you are my world."

I nodded. "I guess I could, but you can't lie to me again... and I... I'm sorry but your... wolf..." Travis cut me off.

"He is harmless, I swear... Well to you he is harmless, to others if they touch you he is not so harmless." Travis said and looked at me as if nervous about my reaction.

Was it weird that I found it cute that they wanted to protect me?

I nodded at Travis. "I understand."

Travis smiled. "So are we okay?"

I shrugged. "I guess, can we still take things slow?" I asked nervously.

"Of course we can baby girl. Any more questions?" Travis asked.

I nodded and blushed. "Earlier, before you told me about all this... You said something." I paused hoping he wouldn't make me say it. "You said... you said that you l-love me..."

Travis nodded and smiled. "I really do love you princess."

I blushed and gave him an apologetic look. "I'm sorry... but I don't really know what love is..." I said awkwardly.

"Then I will do my very best to show you and teach you what love is." Travis smiled. "Am I aloud to hug you?"

I nodded and smiled. "I'd really like that."

Travis pulled me into a warm, protective hug. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed his cheek. Travis kissed the tip of my nose and held onto my hips. "You should get some sleep. It's very late baby girl." He said with a smile.

I nodded and yawned. Travis gently lay me on the bed before pulling the blankets up to my chin. Travis stood up. "Travis... Can you... I'm cold, so can you cuddle me?" I asked nervously.

Travis nodded and smiled. "Of course beautiful." He took his shoes and glasses off before climbing in on the other side and pulling me close against him. "Now sleep." He whispered in my ear.

* * * * *  

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