Chapter Thirty

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The night of the accident.

I sped along the the open country road. My wolf was so close to coming out, I was almost ready to let him. If I let him out, him running would get us to Naomi faster, but there would be a higher risk of humans seeing me and finding out about this side of the world.

It's been an hour and a half since I ended my phone call with Naomi. She was so upset, she was blaming herself, she was harming herself. I had been talking to Barbara when Naomi refused to talk to me, we were talking about how I was on my way, I kept apologising. And then I felt it, I felt a blade dragging through my wrist. I told Barbara and she burst into the bathroom to find my little mate cutting her wrist.

It had hurt me so much, no physically, but emotionally. She was hurting herself because she thought I was with someone else. I didn't want her think that I was going to leave her, I would never leave her. I would never even think about leaving her. I wanted nothing more than to spend my life with Naomi.

I knew I was going have a hell of a lot of explaining and making up to do. But I would do it all for Naomi.

I heard the train bells ringing, but I can beat it. I know I can. If I beat it then I'll get to Naomi sooner.

I sped up. Ol' Bessy's engine was at full.

'You wont make it.' My wolf told me.

'Yes I will!' I growled at him.

I saw the train growing closer to the rail crossing, towards me. Everything went white.

I woke up to a white room, I was on a white bed, and had white clothes on.

Where was I? What's happening?

"My dear boy. You are here with me now." I voice said.

I looked around, but I was all alone. "Yeah, I'm in crazyville." I whispered to myself.

I heard a female laugh. "You're not in crazyville, my dear Travis." The voice said again.

A few seconds later a figure appeared in front of me.

I scrambled backwards. "What the fuck!?" I growled.

The lady started laughing. "I'm very sorry for giving you a fright." She spoke. She walked around the white space. But when she walked it was more like gliding, she glided like a goddess.

A goddess?

"Am I dead?" I asked. The last memory I had was seeing the train right next to Bessy.

The woman laughed. "No, you are not dead my young Travis. You are simply between worlds."

"But you're the moon goddess?" I asked.

She nodded. "Yes, that I am. You are a very talented fighter Travis, I want you to come join me." She said with a caring smile.

I frowned. "But Naomi..."

"Naomi is fine, she is at your side every day, holding your hand." A familiar voice said. A wolf appeared, my wolf.

"Nick?" I asked.

The wolf nodded. "Naomi's looking after Parker, she hasn't hurt herself since the night of your accident. She's upset over you. But she is fine." Nick's voice said. The wolf's mouth didn't move, it was like his voice was being projected from his mind to mine.

"I.... I only want her to be happy." I said. It pained me to say it, but it was the truth. If she was happy, then so was I. I know that she left me for a reason. "Wait, you keep saying the night of the accident?" I gave them a confused look.

"My dear Travis, it has been two and a half months since your accident. You've been in a coma ever since." The moon goddess explained.

I stared at her in shock. "But I only just woke up here?" I phrased it more like a question.

She nodded and smiled. "Time here, goes much slower than down on earth. You woke up here a week after your accident, but it's taken us two months on earth to have this conversation." She said.

I nodded. "But what if I'm not ready to work for you? What if I'm not ready to die and leave my mate and son behind?" I asked cause I really wasn't ready to give it all up.

The moon goddess smiled at me kindly. "Then I will send you back down to your body. But your mate is happy, she's in a good place. If you were to go, she would be hurt but she would survive."

I looked at Nick. "I don't know what to do, I want to be with my mate. I want to watch my son grow up. I want to have children with my mate. I want to marry my mate. I want to wake up every morning to see my little Naomi." I said.

"I want that too Travis, trust me I really do. I just can't bare the thought of her leaving us again." Nick's voice spoke to me.

"I don't want to think about her leaving again. I think that would kill me, well for good." I frowned.

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