Chapter Five

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When Travis pulled onto my street the first thing I saw was police cars. They were everywhere. What had happened? Was my family ok? Why were there so many police cars?

I looked over to Travis who had a neutral look on his face, he was completely unphased about all the police cars. He turned to see me looking at him, he gave me a supportive smile.

When we pulled up outside my house, that's when panic started to set in. Police officers were going in and out of my house, some were talking on the front lawn.

Tears pricked at my eyes. What was going on?

"Naomi?" Travis' voice said pulling me away from the worry that shook my body.

I turn to look at him again, this time his face was filled with worry and concern. "Yeah?" I replied.

"I want you to wait right here while I go see what's going on, okay?" He said and squeezed my hand reassuringly. His hand was so warm and sent tingles through my body. Was I imagining things?

I nodded, that's all I could manage. I watched Travis get out of the car and walk up to one of the police officers. Every once and awhile Travis would glance back at me, as if checking on me. He talked to the police officer for a few minutes before anger and pain washed over his face.

Travis started to walk back over to me, stopping at my door he opened it and stood between the door and me. "Naomi..." I didn't let him finish his sentence.

"What's going on? Is everyone ok?" I asked, panic setting in again, except this time there were tears of worry.

"Naomi, look at me." Travis whispered, and I did look at him. "Naomi, your family is fine. They're here because of what happened today."

In that moment it felt like I had been stabbed. There was no oxygen going into my lungs, it felt like they were on fire. I took sharp quick intakes of breaths only to have them rejected by my body.

I looked into Travis' eyes as I clutched at my chest. No this can't be happening. No please no.

All I wanted to do was scream, but I couldn't even breath.

"Naomi, listen to me, listen to my voice. Just focus on me, not anyone or anything else. Just me. Listen to my voice, and only my voice. You have such a beautiful name, Naomi. A beautiful name to go with a beautiful girl. Listen to my voice, and only my voice. Focus on me. Just me." Travis' voice was soothing, I could listen to his accent all day long. Travis held onto my hands, I almost flinched away but I just kept listening to his voice.

And slowly, as Travis kept talking and holding my hands, my chest started to clear up, my lungs started accepting oxygen.

How did he do that? Why would he do that?

"Do you feel better now?" Travis asked.

I shrugged. In all honesty, I had no idea what I was feeling. "I don't know." I confessed.

"How about we get you inside where it's warm?" Travis suggested.

I nodded, I liked the sound of the warmth. I was about to try standing up when Travis picked me up and carried me up and carried me. My body protested, but he was so warm. I clung to the warmth.

I heard Travis chuckling. I looked up at him to see amusement in his eyes.

What was so amusing?

Police officers swarmed around us. They were everywhere. They surrounded us, all talking very loudly.

That's when it all went black....

* * * * * 

uhh ohh.....

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