Chapter Eight

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I walked down the halls of South Point High for the last time. I paid attention to every single detail. My breath was shaky, so were my hands. I was nervous that I would run into people that I really wasn't ready to face.

Travis was on my left, walking with me. He glanced at me every once and awhile. He would smile at me supportively. I tried to smile back, but I wasn't so sure that he had bought it.

When we finally reached my locker, I put in the code and opened it for the last time. I grabbed out all of my belongings, putting them into the bag I had brought with me. When I reached up to grab my last few books, Travis grabbed my hand.

He hugged me close against his body, almost as if he were trying to protect me. I gave him a confused look, he pulled back slightly and held out his hand flat with mine on top of it. I saw that my hand was shaking uncontrollably.

"Just hold my hand and everything will be ok. I promise." Travis whispered.

I held onto his hand, my fingers laced between his. I held on as if for dear life while Travis used his free hand to put my last books into my bag for me.

I closed my locker for the last time.

Was this really it? Was I really leaving this place for good? Children are taught to stand up to their problems rather than running away from them, but this felt like running away. My dad would never let me drop out because of bullies. If he were here, would he punish me for what I was currently doing? Running away from my problems?

"Travis, do you think that me leaving is a mistake?" I asked shyly.

Travis pulled me closer. "No, I think you leaving this hell hole of a school is going to be the best thing for you right now."

I nodded and lead Travis to the office. I signed out and handed in my class textbooks.

We slowly made our way back back through the halls and towards the student car park. I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw Ashley coming out of a class room. I squeezed Travis' hand and my breathing quickened.

Travis glanced at me before looking at Ashley, he looked at me again before he started to growl at her. I'll be honest, his growling scared me, but it also made me feel protected.

Ashley glared at me, not paying attention to Travis, or the strange sounds that escaped his mouth. She started to walk towards us. I tried to quickly walk on the other side of the hall to get to the car park but her works stopped me.

"Where are you going in such a rush? I heard you were dropping out, is it true? I bet it is. I always knew you weren't strong enough to stay here, against me. But my oh my, how would your dad react knowing that you're giving up on your education? Education is everything you know. If I were your dad, I would punish you so badly, that you come back here begging for forgiveness and continue with your education. Actually, maybe I will do that. Fabulous, it's a date. I'll pop over sometime. Chow." She said, and walked away.

Just like that, tears were rolling down my face. I tightened my grip on Travis' hand, trying to keep myself standing.

As if knowing, Travis put his arm around my waist and pulled me into a protective hug. Travis lead me into an empty classroom where he sat me on a desk and stood between my legs, hugging me.

Why was it that everytime I cried, it was around him? Why was it that everytime I cried, he was the one who managed to cheer me up? Why was it that I had emotions when I was with Travis?

Travis cupped my face in his hands and gently lifted my face so I was looking into his eyes. "Everything is going to be okay. We are going to walk out of this place and never come back, okay?"

I smiled and nodded.

Travis dragged his thumbs under my eyes, taking away the last of my tears. He grabbed my bag and put it on his back before helping me onto my feet and lacing his finger between mine.

We walked out to the carpark and got into Travis' pickup.

As soon as we were out of the gates, I felt like a massive weight had been lifted off my shoulder. I smiled and was thankful for everything Travis had done for me, without him I wouldn't be here today.

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