Chapter Twenty-five

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I woke up, sweat dripping down my forehead. I feel like I just had a bad dream, but it felt so real. I stood up, and that's when I felt the sweat that covered my body and not just my head. Pain filled my body. It honestly felt like I was being stabbed hundreds of times. The pain was too much for my body.

I rushed into the bathroom and crouched in front of the toilet. I felt my stomach contents rising through my throat at a fast rate. I could taste blood in my mouth. I started vomiting into the toilet bowl. But it wasn't your normal vomit, it was blood.

I knew something was really wrong, apart from my pains and the blood, I was fine. I had no injuries.

After I'd finished throwing up the blood. I rinsed my mouth out with cold tap water before I rushed into mum's room. I shook her and told her very loudly to wake up.

She was up in an instant. She looked at me worried. "Honey, what's wrong? Why are you so pale?" She asked, she had her mum voice on. You know the one when you get sick and she's all nice and sweet, almost as if she's talking to a new born.

"Mum... Something's wrong." I whispered, feeling the blood rising through my throat again.

"WHO THE HELL IS ON THEIR PERIOD AND DIDN'T FLUSH?!" Liam screamed in disgust from the bathroom.

Mum rushed into the bathroom, me following close behind her. Mum looked into the toilet bowl and looked like she wanted to hurl at the site.

Liam turned to me. "Naomi, you're so gross. If you're on your period you have to flush!"

I blushed, probably as bright as the blood. "That didn't come from my vagina you knob, it came from my throat."

Mum hit the back of my head. "Don't call your brother a knob." She paused, realizing what else I'd said. "Honey, why are you vomiting blood?"

"I don't know. That's the thing. I feel like I'm being stabbed or crushed. I woke up thinking I'd had a bad dream. I was sweating, and I rushed in here and up that came." I explained to mum.

"Honey, what happened in your bad dream?" Mums face went from worry to panic in a matter of seconds.

"I... I dunno... I think I was in a car. I was on the highway. And then I was in the countryside. And I was speeding. I felt scared, but I don't know why. And then this train, it came out of nowhere." I said, closing my eyes to try remember what happened.

Mum rushed back to her room in a panic. She grabbed her phone off the nightstand and dialed a number. She held it to her ear and sighed. She dialed another number, holding it up to her ear again. "David, hi. It's Barbara, Naomi's mum." Pause. "Yes, hi. Listen Naomi's just had a nightmare and started vomiting blood, she said it feels as if she's being stabbed or crushed." Pause. "Oh god no, I'm so sorry." She looked at me worried. "Yes, of course." She said before hanging up.

What was happening? Why did my mum look so scared? Why did I feel like she had just been told I'm seconds from dying? Why did I feel helpless?

"Naomi." Mum started.

"Mum, what's going on." I paused. "Please don't sugar coat it. Tell me the truth."

"You might want to sit down." She said. My body went into panic mode.

I sat down on the edge of her bed, I held onto mums hand tightly. Was I actually ready to hear this?

"Naomi, Travis was in an accident."

I gasped and burst into tears.

"Honey, shhh. It's okay. He's at the pack hospital, his dad is looking after him. David says that you are experiencing this because of the fact that you and Travis are so far apart and the accident... Well Travis' car was hit by an oncoming train. He said that judging by the skid marks at the scene of the accident, Travis was speeding." She paused. "Naomi, your nightmare wasn't just a nightmare, you were experiencing the crash through Travis' eyes."

I cried into her arms. It felt like a part of me was being ripped out of me. "How do we make it stop?" I asked. "Please make it stop mummy." I scream and cried in pain.

Mum held onto me. Rocking me soothingly. "Honey, the only way to make the pain dull slightly is to get close and be right there with Travis....." She paused, I could tell something was on the tip of her tongue that she really didn't want to say. "Or the only way to make it go away for good.... Well you'd have to reject Travis. But Naomi, if you reject him, it means there will never be a chance of being with him ever again." Mum said.

I nodded and took off the engagement ring Travis had given me.


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