Chapter Thirty-four

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To all those who have continued reading this book, thank you so much.

This will be the final chapter for this novel and I hope that you continue to read my other books. I hope you enjoy.


Five years later.

I opened my eyes, I looked down at the hands wrapped tightly around me. I turned around and was greeted with a kiss. I kiss him back passionately.

"MUMMY MUMMY I'M GOING TO BE LATEEEEEEE!" I heard Parker screaming from outside the bedroom.

Travis groaned and I laughed. "Come on, up you get Travis." I smiled and pushed him off the bed. "You get Louise and Michael up and dressed, I'll get lunches and breakfast." I smiled getting up.

I walked out to the kitchen to see Parker all dressed and sitting up nicely at the table. I grabbed him his cereal and the jug of milk, putting it in front of him I smiled.

"Are you ready for your first day of school?" I kissed his forehead and handed him a spoon.

He nodded, filling his mouth with food then giving me a wide smile. "I'm gonna make so many friends. And we're going to play. Do you think I'll meet my mate today?" He asked.

I laughed and how excited he was, it was cute. "I dunno about that baby. Just remember to be a good boy and listen to the teacher." I said.

"Yes mummy." I smiled.

I walked over to the fridge and pulled out all the lunch ingredients. I grabbed three lunch boxes from the draw. I made cheese and lettuce sandwiches, apple and orange slices, I added LCM bars and a punnet of yoghurt each.

Michael came running in, wrapping his small hands around my legs. I laughed and picked him up, putting him on my hip. I kissed his cheeks before giving him some cold milk in a bottle.

"Louise! Go to the kitchen now!" I heard Travis yell angrily.

I heard little feet stomping towards the kitchen, seconds later Louise appeared in the doorway, hand on her hip. "I. Want. To. Wear. Make-up!" She stomped angrily.

I forced myself to stop laughing. I set Michael on the floor and walked over to Louise. "Honey, I know you want to wear the make-up, but you're not old enough for the make-up." I said crouching down to her level.

"But I'm four!" She huffed.

I smiled. "I know you're four. Parker is five and he doesn't wear makeup." I kissed her forehead.

"Don't touch me! That's so embarrassing." She started stomping again.

I picked her up and held onto her tightly. She started screaming. I began tickling her, she ending up falling to the ground laughing and screaming.

When I let go of her she ran away and I notice Travis standing above me, and evil grin on his face. He pinned me to the ground and began tickling me. When I started to laugh, he covered my lips with his and kissed me.

"Pile on!" Parker yelled.

I heard little feet running towards us. I saw Parker jump onto Travis, followed by Louise. I then watched Michael struggle to jump on. "Come here baby." I said to Michael.

Michael ran over to me. I picked him up and kissed his cheeks before sitting him on Travis' neck.

The past few years had been amazing. Travis and I had grown closer. We mated. We got married. We had Louise then Michael. I was completely and utterly happy. There is no place I'd rather be. We had our ups and downs as a family, but I loved each and every one of them. We got through it all as a family.

"Can we leave now? Because if my calculations are correct, we have three point two nine seconds to get one kilometer away to school." Parker said.

We were raising a very smart kid.

I lifted Michael off Travis' neck. Louise and Parker jumped off Travis and ran to grab their bags.

Travis kissed me once more. "I'll meet you in the car." He smiled before getting up. "If you aren't at the car by the time I'm buckled in, I'm leaving without you." Travis said to Louise and Parker.

"Mumma, help me." Michael said jumping to try reach his lunch box.

I smiled and handed Michael his lunch box. He ran out the door towards the car. I ushered the other kids out of the house before locking up.

* * * * *

I hope you have enjoyed, start to finish, of Naomi and her journey with Travis. I hope this book has filled you with the emotions that it took for me to write this.

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