Chapter Sixteen

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I stood looking in the full length mirror in Travis' walk in closet. I had changed into a red velvet longsleeve dress. I had put a little bit of mascara on and done my hair in a bun. Did I look alright?

Ever since Travis kisses me, twice, I'd been more nervous around him. Was this normal? Why does kissing have to feel so blimmin good? Blimmin Travis black.

I walked back out to the bedroom to see Travis wearing black trousers and a white button up with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. He was currently cleaning his glasses. I smiled, he looked very handsome right now.

When he put his glasses back on, he noticed me. He didn't say anything, he just stared at me.

Was there something wrong with my dress? Or me?

"Do... Do I look bad?" I asked nervously.

Travis slowly walked up to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. "No, princess, you look absolutely beautiful. Why would you think otherwise?"

I blushed at his comment. "'Cause when you saw me, you... you said nothing."

"Oh, baby girl. I was just admiring the view." He smirked and kissed my forehead.

Is it bad how I want to kiss him again? I mean we're not even dating or anything, are we?

"Travis, I have a question." I spoke nervously.

"Ask away my beautiful Naomi." He said and cupped my face in his hands.

"Well... You know how you kissed me, twice?" I asked and he nodded with a smiled. "Well... I was just... What exactly are we?"

Travis kissed the tip of my nose. "You're very cute when you don't know what to say. But, Naomi, we are whatever you want us to be. I don't want to push you." Travis said with a soft voice.

"What do you want to be?" I asked him.

Travis smiled. "I want to be yours. I understand if you're not ready for a relationship."

"Can... can we just take things slowly." I paused. "And not tell my mum?" I asked.

Travis nodded. "Slow sounds good. And we can keep this quiet for now, but one day you'll have to tell her." Travis told me and I nodded.

"Are you ready?" I asked Travis.

He nodded. "Almost. I just want to give my beautiful baby girl something first." He said and walked over to his dresser and grabbed a box. He walked back over to me and handed me the box. "Open it." He smiled.

I pulled the lid off and gasped. "It's beautiful." I whispered. Inside the box lay a silver necklace with a round pendant, it had a silver frame with a blue stone inside.

"It was my grandma's, my grandad gave it to her when they first started dating. When she passed, grandad gave it to me, and now I'm giving it to you." He smiled.

"Are you sure that I'm the one you want to be giving it to?" I asked shyly.

Travis bent down to kiss my cheek. "Trust me, princess, I'm sure." Travis pulled the long chained necklace out of it box and stood behind me. He put the chain around my neck and clipped it up. "See, don't you look ravishing." He said, picking me up and spinning me around.

I squealed and held onto him tightly.

After setting me down on my feet he took the box from my hands and put it on the side cabinet. Travis then laced his fingers with mine and lead me outside.

"You have your own little house?" I asked surprised. Then my eyes widened when I saw it. "You have your own pool?"

Travis chuckled. "Yes and yes." He paused. "The back house was my parents way of getting me out of the house but keeping me close. And the pool, well... Would you like to go for a swim sometime?"

I blushed. "I... I don't swim... My body..."

"Naomi, you don't need to say it, and you don't need to be ashamed of your body." Travis said and kissed my forehead.


'Travis, hurry up and bring that girl inside. It's freezing outside for humans!' My mum growled through mindlink.

"Come on, let's get you inside and fed, you must be freezing." I smiled and led Naomi into the main house.

"Travis." Naomi whispered in the doorway, she seemed hesitant. "I'm nervous. What if they don't like me?"

"Oh, baby girl. They're going to love you, maybe even more than they love me." I said and laughed. "You have nothing to be nervous about. You look absolutely beautiful, and you have an amazing personality." I said and kissed her cheek.

Naomi nodded at me and I led her into the dining room when everyone was seated and talking amongst themselves. When they noticed us they all stopped talking and looked at us. Naomi stepped behind me. Obviously not liking the eyes that watched her.

'Everyone stop staring or I'll kill you all.' I said over mindlink to everyone in the room.

Once everyone started talking again I led Naomi over to our seats. I pulled out the chair for her but she sat in the other seat next to it.

"Are you okay?" I asked her. "Did I do something wrong?"

She looked at me confused. "Why would you think that?" She replied.

"I pulled out the seat for you and you sat in the other one." I whispered.

She blushed bright red. "I'm sorry, I had no idea. I thought you were pulling out your own seat."

I smiled at her innocence.

"Hi there, the name's Stella, and you sure are a pretty gem." My sister said leaning over me and holding her hand out to Naomi. "I sure do hope that my little bro ain't hassling you to much." She winked while shaking Naomi's hand.

Naomi started to giggle. "I almost forgot you would all have southern accents." She paused and pulled a confused face. "Why would he be hassling me?"

"Oh honey, you're just so innocent are you?" Stella said and smiled.


After dinner Travis took me back to his room. I'd met Stella who was really nice, she was Travis' eldest sister. I also met Brian and his boyfriend Thomas who were both nice too, Brian was also older than Travis. Travis' other sister wasn't there because she was apparently in Spain, but Travis said that she was the only one who was younger than him.

"Baby girl, do you mind if I go have a quick shower?" Travis asked putting the TV on and handing me the remote.

I shook my head. "I'll be fine." I smiled at him.

I heard the shower turn on.

A few minutes later a knock came to the door of the back house.

Thinking it would be someone from his family I went up to the door and opened it.

My heart felt like it was going to explode, it was pounding very fast in my chest. My lungs started rejecting oxygen and I started to see little dots in my vision.


* * * * *  

Well shit....

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