Chapter Thirty-three

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No. This can't be happening. No. No. NO!

Why? Why did I have to wait and see what happens? Why did I have to stay up there while Naomi was clearly suffering down there.

My wolf and I felt it first. The slicing. The pain. The heartache. The misery.

Without even us asking, the moon goddess put us back in our body.

I woke up and immediately grabbed her wrist, I was praying that the bleeding would stop. I looking into her eyes, I watched them drain.

I started screaming for help, I could feel my voice coming out, I just couldn't hear it.

Doctors and nurses rushed into the room, they all looked at me confused, then they saw the blood coming from her wrist.

I got off the bed, making room so they could put Naomi on the bed.

I never took my eyes off her, even as spare doctors did small tests on me, I refused to look anywhere else. I had to make sure she was going to be okay, that she would survive this.

A chair got pulled into the room and put next to the bed for me. I sat on it, holding Naomi's free hand. Her eyes were closed, but I could hear her heart beating. I could hear the blood rushing through her veins. I could hear her breathing.

The doctor's stitched her up and wrapped a bandage around her wrist tightly. She was put on an ivy drip, she hadn't lost too much blood. The cut wadn't even that big, I think that if I wasn't back sooner.... It could have been much bigger.

I never should have stayed up there for so long. I knew that I should have come back, but I didn't listen to myself. Why the hell didn't I listen to myself?!

I climbed onto the bed next to Naomi, I pulled her gently on top of me. I kissed her forehead and rubbed my thumb lightly along her bandage.

It took half an hour for Naomi to wake up, and when her big beautiful eyes found mine, I saw a small smile tug at her lips. I smiled too.

"Am I dead?" She asked.

I laughed, remembering that was the first exact same thing she ever said to me. "No you're not dead princess." I kissed her forehead.

She looked up at me confused. "'re..."

I cut her off. "I'm not dead either... well I was but... it's a long complicated story." I told her, I didn't want to tell her about the moon goddess. I just wanted to be happy with her.

"I love you." She smiled and kissed me.

I kissed her back. "I love you too." I smiled. "But baby girl, please never try anything like that ever again." I said.

She nodded, blushing. I saw a few tears roll down her cheeks.

I lay her on her back and wiped away her tears. "Shhh, hey. Don't be sad. I'm here right now, with you. That's all that matters okay?" I said before kissing her nose.

Naomi smiled and nodded. "I'm sorry."

The door to the room flung open and my parents rushed in, followed by a worried Barbara and an angry Liam. I noticed mum was holding a piece of refill.

Naomi hid behind me and hald onto my shirt with her good hand.

I looked back at her to see her bright red and tears flowing down her face.

"Is she okay?" Mum asked me.

I nodded. "Just a scratch." I paused and narrowed my eyes at my mum. "I die, and your first question is about her?"

Mum nods. "Yes, she didn't die on us, you died on us. You gave up on this life, she couldn't cope in this life without you." Mum said. "So therefor, she is my favourite over you."

I laughed and nodded. "I'm sorry mum." I said, earning myself a slap. "Oww. What was that for?"

"You died!" She whispered angrily.

I laughed. "I came back didn't I?"

Naomi and I had been discharged from hospital two days ago. It's been a week since I woke up. Naomi and I were currently shopping online for our furniture for our home. We were sat on a air mattress in the main bedroom.

Naomi turned around in my arms. "Mark me." She said, she wasn't asking, she was demanding.

I smirked. "What's the magic word princess?" I asked and kissed her lips.

She bit my lip and smirked back. "Do it, or else I'll never ask again."

I growled at her. I lay her down on her back and started kissing her lips. I worked my way down her neck. I pulled away slightly and Naomi nodded at me. I dug my fangs into her neck. Naomi's grip on my hair and arm tightened.

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