Chapter Seventeen

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"Naomi? What's going on? Who is this?" Travis' voice spoke from behind me, but I was frozen. I couldn't move. My dad was alive and he was standing right in front of me.

How did he find me? What was he doing here? Has he come to finish what he started? Will this be the last punishment that he promised me for years. When I begged him to kill me he would say:

"Don't worry, one day, I will punish you for your last time. One day I will give you your final punishment before you go to hell and meet Lucifer himself. One day your final punishment will break you so much, that not even Lucifer will want you."

What was I supposed to do? I was finally happy, here with Travis. Do I slam the door in his face and hope that he'll leave? Do I let him take me? What do I do?

I felt a hand on my shoulder, pushing me behind Travis. "Naomi." This time he spoke in his angry voice. "Who is he?" He asked again. But I couldn't answer.

"The name's Harold. Harold Jackson. I see you've been mated to this pathetic excuse of a daughter of mine. I also hear that you kill my other daughter and her mate." My dad spoke.

A very loud growl escaped Travis. "You need to leave."

"What's a mate?" I asked, not able to control my curiosity.

"Oh, so you haven't told her." My dad said to Travis.

"Naomi, go lock yourself in the bathroom. Only come out for me, not anyone else." Travis instructed.

I listened to Travis and ran to the bathroom, locking myself in.

I heard a lot of growling and a very loud crack. Minutes later a knock came to the door.

"Naomi, open the door." My dad spoke.

"Naomi, don't do it." Travis growled.

I backed myself into a corner and started crying. I heard loud cracks and roars.

It was hours later when Travis finally knocked on the door. "Naomi, baby girl, you can come out now. It's safe."

Tears ran down my face as I stood up and slowly made my way to the door. I slowly unlocked the door and opened it. Travis immediately engulfed me in a hug. More tears escaped, and he kept holding onto me.

"Shhh, it's over now." He whispered in my ear. "He can't hurt you anymore."

"W-what do you m-mean?" I stuttered, confused.

"Naomi, I had no choice." Travis said.

"Show me." I said. When he started to argue, I explained. "Travis, I need to know for sure this time. I need to see it."

Travis nodded and lead me out of the bathroom. There was blood everywhere, walls, floor, and somehow on the ceiling. A few walls had huge holes in them. At the end of all the carnage lay a body, limp and bloody. My dad lay limp and bloody. Next to his head was the letter L and devil horns.

I gasped and started sobbing.

"Naomi, princess, what's wrong?" Travis stood between me and my dad, his arms wrapped around me.

"He's coming for me."

"Princess, he can't hurt you anymore." Travis stroked my head.

I shook my head. "Not him, Lucifer."

"Oh, Naomi. You're an angel, you're not going to hell. What ever that sick bastard told you, it isn't true." Travis said and lead me back to the bathroom.

That's when I realized he was naked, not half naked, but butt naked. I blushed and pulled my hand out of his. "Y-you're na-naked." I stuttered.

Travis chuckled. "You're so adorable."

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