Chapter Fifteen

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"Come on Naomi, you need to wake up. Please princess." I pleaded as I held her hand.

After Ashley and Alex were both dead, I drove as fast as I could to get Naomi to my parents house. My dad was the pack doctor so I knew he could help her.

Dad said that the tranquilizer should be wearing off soon and that the only injury she got was a gash to the head.

After my dad had examined her I took her out to my room which was in the back house which I had to myself. It was small, like a studio flat. But it was my own space.

It was another few minutes before I felt her hand twitch. "Naomi? Can you hear me princess?"

She didn't move for another few minutes, but when she did she let out a groan from her lips. Her fingers twitched in my hand and she let out a deep breath. "Tr-Travis?" She groaned.

"Yes princess?" I smiled, my mate was awake, and she was groaning my name...... urgh god that's so hot.

Her hand reached up to her head. "It hurts." She paused and opened her eyes. "What happened? Where are we?"

"Naomi, we're in McClellanville at my parents house. You had a little accident and bumped your head." Technically I wasn't lying, but nor was I telling the whole truth. I don't like hiding things from Naomi.

"Why does it hurt so much?" She complained.

I chuckled. "Cause you hit your head baby girl, would you like me to see if I can get you some pain relief?" I asked.

She nodded and smiled at me. "Yes please."

I quickly went back into the main house to find my dad in the kitchen. "Dad, Naomi is awake but complaining of pain. Are you able to give her somethin for that?" I asked.

"Oh, yes yes. Sorry son, I forgot that humans don't heal as fast. I'll be right out there." My dad replied, taking the last bite of his sandwich before walking towards his office.

"Oh Travis, my baby, I'm so glad you've found your mate." My mum yelled as I walked back out to the back house.

I quietly walked back into my room to see the bed empty. "Naomi?!" I asked in a panicked voice.

"Shhh, not so loud. Travis, I'm over here." Naomi's voice whispered and soon after I saw her hand waving at me from the other side of the bed.

I rushed around to see her sitting on the floor, leaning her head against the mattress. "What are you doing down there?" I smirked.

She blushed. "I fell. Can you help me?" She asked.

I nodded and smiled. I crouched down, wrapping her arms around my neck, I held onto her upper thighs as I picked her up. I knelt down on the bed, lowering her slowly into the middle so that she wouldn't fall off, again.

Just as I started to pull away from her, she reached her hand up to my face. Her fingers trailed along my jaw, then along my lips. "Have you ever kissed anyone?" She asked me.

"Yes, I have. Have you?"

She shook her head and blushed. "What's it like?"

"Do you want to find out?" I asked her with a smile.

She nodded. "Is that okay?"

"It's more that okay." I said and lowered myself back down to her, her legs on either side of me. I cupped her face gentilly in my hands and slowly lowered my lips onto hers. Sparks flew throughout my body. The kiss was slow at first but soon turned hot and heavy.

When we pulled away she was panting. She had a big smile on her face.

"So, how was your first kiss baby girl?" I asked with a smile.

"I think I like kissing." She blushed. "My whole body, it's like fireworks were going off."

I smiled. "So it was a good kiss?" She nodded. "Would you like another?" I asked and got another nod.

I kissed her slowly, wanting to take my time. Her fingers intertwined with my hair. I felt her smiling against my lips. I kissed her beautiful smile.

Someone cleared their throat from behind me. Naomi pulled away and hid her face in my chest. I turned my head to see my dad.

"Oh, uhh, Naomi, this is my dad. He's a doctor so you can trust him." I said and Naomi nodded, still hiding her face in my chest.

"Naomi, you can call me David. I have something for your pain." My dad said.

Naomi slowly pulled away from me and look towards my dad, her face was bright red. My dad slowly walked over, being cautious of his movements. He held out a hand to Naomi which had two small white pills. Naomi slowly reached her hand out to take them.

'She's very shy.' My dad said to me over mind link.

'Yeah, she is. But it's understandable after everything right?' I asked.

'Yes, very understandable. When someone goes through a trauma like she did, people become anxious about what other people might do to her and they wonder if everyone is like that one person.' My dad explained to me.

Once Naomi had taken the painkillers from my dad's hand my dad said a quick goodbye before leaving.

Naomi looked at the pills in her hand. "What are they?" She asked confused.

I smiled and sat her on my lap. "It's just something to help with the pain." I told her and handed her a glass of water off the side cabinet. "Are you still feeling up for thanksgiving?"

She took a gulp of water before putting the pills in her mouth and swallowing. "What time is it?"

I looked at the clock on the wall. "It's four o'clock. Dinner is at Five if you're up for it, but I understand if you're not."

She smiled. "I'm fine, I'm up for it." She looked around. "Where are my bags?"

"They're in the closet. Do you need a hand with anything?" I asked, not wanted her to overdo anything and make herself feel worse. 


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