Chapter Ten

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I slowly opened my eyes. Warmth was surrounding me, it made me smile. I felt someone's skin on mine small jolts of electricity came off of the skin. I blinded a few times before my eyes came into focus.

I was still in Travis' truck. Travis had his arms wrapped around me and his eyes were shut. I smiled, he was asleep.

I looked out towards the lake and watched the small amounts of water come up onto the sand and then back down into its self.

I felt Travis shift and turned to see his big brown eyes staring down at me. In all honesty it gave me a fright, I thought he was still asleep, but nope, blimmin Travis Black was awake.

Travis chuckled and kissed my forehead. As reflex I pulled away, causing a hurt expression to flash across his face. I instantly regretted pulling away, but I knew that there was nothing I could do to change it.

"What time is it?" I asked Travis, remembering my mum had asked me to pick up Liam, my younger brother.

"It's about... two-thirty." Travis said pulling out his phone and looking at the time. "Why's that?"

"Oh, um my brother finishes at three and mum wants me to pick him up today." I explained and shifted fully back into my seat, putting my seatbelt on.

Travis nodded and started the truck. Apart from me giving directions, the car ride was in silence.

Travis pulled into the carpark of the primary school that my brother attended. I got out, leaving Travis in the car. I don't know what came over me, but it was getting hard to breath. He was always being so nice to me, and I couldn't even tell him why Ashley and her minions were bullying me, or why she said those things about my dad. What was wrong with me? Why couldn't I explain these things to someone who had been so nice to me? Someone who had given me emotions.

The bell rang, making me jump, pulling me out of my thoughts. Kids started piling out of the school doors. It was only a few minutes later when Liam walked out the school doors. His eyes spotted me and he rushed over.

I gave him a big hug. I knew that I wasn't always the best sister to him, I mean I hardly ever paid attention to him. But ever since Travis came to town I've had emotions that I can't explain, and they're making me want to be a better sister.

"Hey bud, how was your day?" I asked when he pulled out of our hug.

"It was good. We had crosscountry today, it was so much fun!" He smiled.

"Cool, how far do they make you run these days?" I asked returning the smile.

"Only fifteen miles." He said it as if it were nothing.

I gasped. "Fifteen?!" My eyes widened each time i thought about trying to run fifteen miles non stop. "Dude, I could probably only run three miles without dropping to the ground."

Liam chuckled. "I'm just too cool and talented not to run at least fifteen." Liam's face dropped when he looked behind me.

I turned to see Travis. "Liam, this is Travis. Travis this is my little brother Liam."

"I know." Liam said, he almost sounded upset. "I met him last night."

I turned to Travis. "We'll meet you at the car." I told him.

Travis left, leaving me alone with Liam.

"Hey bud, what's up? Why do you say it as if it's a bad thing meeting him?" I asked Liam.

Liam sighed and looked at the ground. "It's just, ever since he came to town, you've been doing all this stuff that you wouldn't normally. And then he brings you home all beaten up."

"Liam, listen. This isn't Travis' fault. Things have been happening since long before he came to town, and he was actually the one protecting me. Like today he protected me and he kept me safe." I explained to him.

"You mean like dad?" Liam asked quietly.

"Yeah, like dad. But it was more than dad. But you shouldn't worry about that stuff." I said and tried to put on a smile.

"But I'm your brother, I'm suppose to protect you." Liam complained.

"Okay, a: you're younger than me meaning I should be protecting you. B: thank you for caring enough to want to protect me." I smiled genuinely.

Liam laughed. "But I'm taller and stronger than you."

"Touche." I laughed with him. Liam and I started walking towards Travis' pickup. "When did you get so tall anyway?"

"It's not that hard to get taller than you, you are only five foot after all." Liam laughed.

"Oh shush Mr. smartass." I said.

We got to Travis' truck and I opened the door for Liam, getting in behind him. I did up my belt and then made sure Liam had his bet on.

"Where to?" Travis asked.

"Home." I said and yawned.

"Yes ma'am" Travis said and saluted me.

* * * * * 

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