Chapter Twenty-four

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I sat in the waiting room of the hospital. Travis promised me that no matter what was about to happen, it wouldn't change his feelings towards me, he promised that everything was going to be alright. I was scared, honestly and full heartedly scared.

My hands were shaking, my feet were tapping the ground nervously. My nails scratched into my wrist on my other arm. I don't know why, but when I get nervous, I start scratching. My brain was going over every possible scenario for what was about to happen.

But when Travis walked through those doors, I never in my wildest dreams could have imagined that this would be what was happening.

Travis came out, holding a baby as if it were the most precious thing in the world. He held it as if it were a bomb he was scared to drop. He held it like it was his.

And it was, I could tell by the way he looked at it, he looked scared but at the same time he looked as if in those few minutes he was gone, that he'd fallen in love with it.

And where there's a baby, a mother is surely not too far away. Travis had gotten another girl pregnant. Travis had loved someone enough to have a baby with them. Travis had loved someone enough to not use protection. Travis had loved someone enough to not tell me that he had gotten someone pregnant, that is until now.

But what was he going to tell me? It was a mistake? He had no idea it would turn out like this? He didn't know?

In all the movies I've seen, men lied about knowing, men lied about most things. I know I shouldn't go trusting a film, but it happens in so many of them, that it seems like they're trying to warn us females. To warn us how much a guy could actually hurt you. And most times women don't listen to the warnings. But I am.

I stood up and ran out of the hospital. I ran all the way back to Travis' parents house. I didn't care how thick the snow was. I didn't care how cold it was or if I was going to get sick from all of this. I didn't care anymore. All my emotions were gone, just like that.

I felt nothing.

When I arrived back at the house I ran up to mums room and started packing her bags, I then moved onto Liam's bags, and finally my bags. Once they were all packed I grabbed mums car keys off the bedside cabinet and took the bags down to the car, loading them into the boot.

"What are you doing Naomi?" Liam spoke from behind me, making me jump.

"Go get mum. We are leaving, and if you two don't want to leave then I'll go without you." I said and climbed into the backseat of the mini.

I watched as mum approached the car, worry was plastered on her face. Liam got in and put his seatbelt on. Mum opened her door and bent in to talk to me. "Honey, did you and Travis have a fight?" She asked.

"I want to go home." I said sternly, ignoring her question.

She sighed and got in, not arguing.

The drive home was long. By the time we got home it was quarter to seven. I grabbed my bags and raced up to my room, slamming the door behind me.

A few minutes later mum came up and knocked on my door a few times before opening it.

"Naomi, someone's on the phone for you." She said, a sad look covered her face.

"Well if that someone is Travis, tell him to GO TO HELL." I yelled the last part hoping he could hear it through the phone.

"Naomi, that is no way to speak to your mate!" Mum growled at me.

I stood up from where I lay on my bed. I pushed past mum and went into the bathroom, locking the door behind me.

I looked in the mirror. I looked from the bruise on my forehead, to the scar on my cheek. Why is it me that always gets hurt? Why am I the one who is always left with wounds, physical, or emotional? Why is it always me?

I grabbed out my last razor and started cutting along my wrists. I didn't want to die, I avoided all the major veins, but I wanted to punish myself. I needed to punish myself.

Mum started pounding on the door. "Naomi, you put that fucking blade down right now!" She yelled at me.

I didn't reply, I just kept punishing myself.

Seconds later the door was being kicked in with a loud crack. Mum came in and wrestled me to the ground. She grabbed the razor and threw it to the other side of the room. She held onto my wrist to stop the bleeding. And with her other hand she held the phone up to my ear, forcing me to listen to it.

"Naomi. Baby girl. Princess. My mate. My fiancee. Please listen to me. I love you more than anything. I know it may seem hard to believe right now, but it's true. I love you more than anything. Yes Parker is my son. I only found out today before we rushed to the hospital. Naomi I swear on everything you hold dear to you that I am telling the truth. About a year ago, my best friend Emma and I, we got drunk, really drunk. Apparently we slept together, creating Parker. A few weeks later she left to go help another pack. She gave birth while living with that pack. She never told me about Parker. About a week ago that pack was attacked and Emma was badly injured, she was put into a coma. Last night she arrived in our pack hospital where she died this morning." Travis paused and took a deep breath. "Naomi, I don't expect you to believe this, I know how hard this must be on you right now. But please trust me."

I scoffed. "I feel absolutely nothing anymore. It's just the way it use to be before you came along. We were never meant to be together Travis. Your baby needs you. And I need to be alone." I said.

"Naomi, I love you. That's why I am in my car right now,driving towards you." He paused. "I'm pulling onto the highway right now princess. I'll be there soon baby girl. I love you." He said before hanging up.

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