Chapter 2

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The next morning

I fluttered my eyes opened, I quickly looked at my surroundings and groaned, I was on the shore where I was last night before I decided to take a dip, right?

I tried to stand up but somehow I couldn't, I looked down and gasped, I had..a tail? I looked up at the sun rising wondering how on earth I developed a tail. Then it hit me.

I was thinking on revenge, revenge on the people who made me suffer in this world that I wanted to show how they made me feel, I was about to leave when suddenly I felt the moon pulling me towards the water then I blacked out. I started to panic when I realized one problem, how was I suppose to go back to being, well, me? I rolled around in the sand to try to dry off this thing, when suddenly a voice entered my head, a voice so soft, so alluring.

''Child, this is your life to shine to show what it means to hurt, to finally have a say in this world, embrace it dear one, see you in your dreams'' The voice said very faintly but I heard.

To shine? I watched my tail slowly mold into two legs, it burned so bad, I winced and cried out knowing no one would be here this early. After several agonizing seconds my legs appeared, I sighed out in relief from the change, I shook my head and walked back to my home.

I walked for a good 10 minutes wondering how this all came to be, why me? I know the voice said I wanted revenge but...I didn't actually think it'd come true. I looked forward at my wonderful house, I am lucky my parents saved up to buy this house, since forever I wanted to be near the ocean and all this time I always wanted one, it was a bit over the top but I loved it.

I entered the big doors of the house and breathed in the fresh lavender scent the home brings me. I go into the kitchen to see my mother having her morning coffee and my dad reading the newspaper. They both looked up at me at shock then the next thing I knew they went in for a big group hug.

''Oh Narissa, where have you been we were worried sick!'' My mother exclaims

''Young lady you have some explaining to do'' My dad whispers to me

Oh great, I hope I can keep this whole mermaid life a secret now.

''I'm sorry mom and dad, yesterday was just rough at school, the constant bullying I get, I needed to be away from everyone so I went to the beach" I said calmly. My parents had a look of concern, they knew I was getting bullied, they support me through it the best they can.

''We looked there, we couldn't find you'' My dad tilted his head to the side staring me down.

All of a sudden, my brother, Ray, speeds to the top of the stairs and his face brightened up.

''Nari! You're home!'' He yelled and raced down the stairs, but tripped and fell face first onto the bottom of the stairs.

I gasped and ran over to him and looked at his face cautiously trying to find any damage.

''But..How? You hit your face pretty hard?'' I said amazed.

He laughed and shook his head.

''Nothing can damage this chiseled face'' He winked at me. Boys will be boys, right?

I sighed and hugged him then went upstairs to my room. I am glad it was Saturday at least, maybe tonight I will go back to the ocean to see who talked to me. I laid on my bed and looked at my phone, I had several text messages from my friend Lynn. She was the only one there for me besides my family, she was super talkative and friendly, if there is anyone who who wasn't in my family and didn't wanna get revenge on, it would be Lynn, she was the popular, full of life, bubbly type of girl. It sucks I still feel incomplete even with the people in my life. Everyone leaves eventually right? Right

Text message

@3:46 pm

'Yo Narissa where are you? you just wondered off without me??!'

3:54 pm

'Girl where are you? I've been looking all over school, text me back ASAP'

6:12 pm

'I'm coming by your house tomorrow @12:34 pm so get your butt ready k?'

Ugh why me? I looked over at the time and it read 12:30 pm, well crap she will be here any minute now, should I tell her? I mean I trust her with everything under the sun, I guess I might as well.

ding dong

Oh boy, drama queen incoming.


Oh no. I ran down the stairs and opened the door as quick as I can, there I see the oh so popular friend of mine, Lynn Mayor. She had platinum blonde hair with hot pink streaks, emerald colored eyes, with an hourglass figure, and around my height, 5'6. I just had the plane Jane brown hair, brown eyes and for my body, I had a pear kind of figure.

''You might want to sit down for this'' I said just above a whisper.

I need to tell her.

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