Chapter 36

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Lynn's POV

I sat on my bed, Scar was writing out forms in his office. I rested my head in my hands as I pondered the next day, I groaned in frustration, I knew all along about this prophesy ever since I met Scar, he is a brutal king, Persephone was right, Scar kills for satisfaction, he tortures rogues and innocent creatures, I was forced to break when I first saw him at my lake was when I was crying my heart out, it was a few days since I lost Narissa, the kind and loving girl I once knew, but it was her destiny to go home. Scar was so sweet at first, so understanding of how it feels to lose someone close, he talked about the girl, Persephone, his long lost sister, he's grown numb ever since she ran away. When he was about to force his mark on me, I was super hesitant, but he told me that he would hunt my kind, my sisters unless I submit my will to him.

I will admit I envy her and Narissa's relationship, I saw on Persephone's neck a moon shape mark, specifically from Narissa I'm assuming. When I saw Narissa again, my heart sank, I had it coming but she showed such weakness, the kind when she and I were friends, it was all because of that damn chain he put on her. I know what it's like to lose someone, but she did nothing wrong, she wasn't there when it all happened, she was still with me, she had no idea of anything mythical existed in the world but now she is the most feared predator in the seas. Her only obstacle is Scar. In the back of my mind, I hope she wins.

(A/N So I know this is a very short chapter, but I figured why not expand on Lynn? Anyways, the book is coming to an end, I know it's not my best work, but it's what came to my mind and I wanted to write this kind of story for a long time. A big thank you for 4k views :3 I appreciate it so much. I hope you all have a great day/night :D)

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