Chapter 35

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Persephone's POV

I crossed his territory, I remember him very faintly but I remember. I wanted to get away from here, but apparently I couldn't, my past will always haunt me, I thought I could get away with it, just starting a new, normal life, as normal as a vampire life I can get, but no, the Fates hate my guts.

Narissa's POV

Her, my best friend. Lynn looked at me with absolute disgust, her eyes glowing a bright blue, indicating hatred, hatred at me, but for what reason? I did nothing to her.

''Narissa, how nice of you to join us, finally after all this time, of you abandoning me. It's whatever though, in all honesty you didn't mean a damn thing to me, I knew what you were all along, and I knew of this prophesy long before, now look at us now, we will win this war, and my mate will finally get his vengeance.'' Lynn broke my heart into a million pieces with those words, they were like daggers coated in acid.

My rage grew by the second, if only I could strangle that grin out of her, but these cursed chains bind me from doing so. I cursed under my breath, even though I know they can hear me with their damn enhanced senses. I looked up at them, the king himself smirking.

''You want battle? I'll give you a war, and my claws will be coated with your blood!" I hissed through my fangs, I will give them a battle, but I will most definitely win the war. In the prophesy I read I will be the one facing them, along with the king's pack, the only allies that I will have is my mate, and the ocean, which I know will be enough, my sirens will be excluded from meddling with me and the king, for they know that they wouldn't temper with the Fates.

Lynn and Scar laughed at my comment, how dare they? At the end, I will be the ones laughing, at their corpses drifting out to sea. Suddenly I heard a loud crash coming from the other end of the mansion, my heart started racing, I could smell lemon, my mate, Persephone was here.

Persephone sped up towards the entrance to the dungeon with a look of fiery rage, she glared at the king menacingly, then she turned her gaze towards me, a look of longing and horror at my trapped form.

''You fiend! I now know why I left all of you in the first place!'' She seethed, she was breathing heavily. I don't understand? What was she hiding from me? I looked at her quizzically, she returned the look with a 'I'll explain later' I sighed and was now concerned.

''Oh how lovely for you to return, dear sister'' Scar said with amusement in his eyes. ''I'm sure you'll be with your mate for the war that will be taking place tomorrow night'' He tilted his head, wanting to know the answer, I could sense he was surprised she was here, Persephone raised her eyebrow in confusion. My heart sank as he said sister.

''How clueless, as my sister too, but I should've known. Your little mate here will be my gateway to immortality, with her heart in my hands no one will deny my reign, not even you. Lucky for her, you will be by her side in this war, not like it will be much. If only you would've stayed here with me and mother maybe then she wouldn't have committed suicide that one day, all she had left was me, you, and father, but he got killed, and she lost herself that day'' He then pointed at me angrily ''Your mate's servants took him'' He said with such rage in his voice. She flashed her red eyes at that. "Can't say the same for you, you killed so many people just for their jewels, they were innocent, mother and father didn't raise you to be like this!"

Persephone hissed loudly, ready to lunge at him. ''It wasn't even her fault! She didn't do it! Sirens are meant to feed to survive! So don't you dare blame my mate for something she can't control!'' She was about to explode. ''Kill me if you must, but I will not bow to a king who wears a crown studded with the jewels of every life he has ended!''

Scar scoffed at her remark, then snapped his fingers, a silver chain wrapped around Persephone's neck, in result, weakening her, every creature has an ultimate weakness. Sirens it is celestial weapons, werewolves it's wolfs bane, and vampires it's silver.

I watched Persephone pass out from the amount of silver, Scar looked at his sister's limp body and gestured the guard to pin her against the wall beside my tank.

''Don't worry, siren queen, we aren't allowed to use our ultimate weaknesses in the war, since it won't be fair, but for now..''

I felt something unnatural enter the water I was in, I felt dizzy, the last thing I saw was my mate, her defenseless form.

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