Chapter 26

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I smirked as I finished my 320th meal of the night, I licked the blood off my teeth and lips and a savoured the succulent taste and feel of their blood down my throat, warming my insides, I sighed out into the night and my eyes glistened in the reflection of the raging waters, I heard hisses and splashes several feet away, it was my sirens eating their meals, my stomach tightened at the sight of flesh, I let out a warning hiss and my eyes flared obsidian, the three sirens whipped their heads towards my hiss and quickly bowed then dove in, with their human in tow.

I sat atop a high rock, looking out, trying to find another meal, or a hundred more, the moon was still glowing in the sky, so my frenzy was long till over, I took a long inhale of air, I sensed perfume, way too strong for my liking, the skin would taste horrible, I loomed my gaze to a shore a couple miles away and saw 5 teenage girls, the girls were skinny dipping, with around 7 boys, I cringed at the sight, I then realized, they were from my school, those girls bullied me, the girls who made me numb to emotion, the girls who almost drove me to suicide.


I leaned on my locker, reading a book that I was keen on finishing before today was over, I wanted to at least finish this chapter before the bell rang, indicating the end of lunch. Unfortunately my day just had to turn sour.

"What's your loser face doing out in the open?" Veronica sneered, with her little shits in tow, giggling and twirling their hair around their manicured fingers, making me cringe.

"Well I was reading" I spat at her, she didn't like that clearly, and the next second I knew I got a cold hard slap across my cheek, the burning sensation settling in, and a tear has made way down my now red face.

"Someone like you shouldn't even be alive in the first place, why don't you disappear?" She then pivoted and walked away, her group following without batting an eyelash. I ran out of the school, not caring about the rest of my classes, I needed to scream, I wanted to die.

Flashback ends

I felt my blood boil intensely, I held my cheek, reminiscing the memory.  I felt the wind blow my hair all over my face, getting into my line of vision, but I didn't care, I was focused on them, then a thought came to mind, a very devilish thought, a thought that made my fins tingle with excitement.

I dove off the rock and turbo swam to the shore, a fair distance from them so they wouldn't see, I pulled myself onto the sand and waved my hand over my tail, splitting them into legs, I hummed in thought as to what I can do for clothes, I figured I could use the seaweed and use it as a bikini, I grabbed some off the beach and mended a pretty well put together bikini. I walked away to them, looking like I'm minding my own business, staring at my nails, once I was close, I peaked out of the corner of my vision at the queen of the bullies, Veronica was looking straight at me, she was getting out of the water and grabbed her towel off of one of the guys, I now noticed the guys had their swimsuits on, thank God for that, Veronica walked towards me, I just realized the scent is so strong, but her blood is calling to me, and I can barely contain my fangs.

"Hey, haven't seen a pretty face like yours around this beach, I'm Veronica, and these are my friends" she said in this annoying high pitched tone
She then leaned in and whispered "those guys are just my playthings, don't worry bout them, and my girls you don't need to know the names of, just remember mine" she winked at me, I tried to hold back a gag.

"I'm..Cynthia" I said quietly, trying not to let out a hiss of hunger

I felt uneasy, the hunger was coming to me, and fast.

"Come dip with us" she said in a softer tone

"Uhm, sorry but I have to ask, do you guys know my friend Narissa?" I said as I tilted my head to the side

I saw Veronica's face scrunch up at the mention of my name

"Yea, a total bitch, I think she ran away from home and school, the whole town is on the look for her, missing posters are taped upon walls, trees and stuff, but I'm sure no one even misses her, sorry for the harsh words but she didn't deserve friends, come join us" she said and flipped her hair, she suddenly grabbed my hand and led us towards the water, thank God I needed my meal right now.

I turned towards the boys and girls and waved them over with a smirk, I let out a bit of my siren's seduction and they walked towards me, Veronica raised her brows and whistled

"Damn girl, you already have my boys in your lead..and girls" she laughed, how annoying..

The boys and girls eyes were pitch black by the time she finished laughing, her eyes widened and her body trembled.

"Cynthia, what's going on?" She had nervousness apparent in her voice. I slowly turned my head towards her, eyes blazing black, my tail forming beneath the water.

"Narissa, bitch" I cooed

I whipped my hand out towards them and slowly closed it into a fist, the boys and girls started choking and wheezing, I could see blood dripping down the corners of their mouths, I sighed and clicked my tongue.

"Darn, now my sirens will come for a feast if I don't get you all away" I mumbled

Veronica paled and looked in horror at her group dying in front of her eyes, she started to run to the shore, I raised my other hand and concentrated on the blood in her body, I can freeze, stop, and boil her body from the inside out. She suddenly cried out in pain, and I can see her skin redden, I smirked.

I snapped my fingers and the teenagers got whisked away by large waves to my personal island where I go when I need some space, I'll finish her off first.

"You shouldn't have messed with me" I said quietly, then SNAP her pinky broke, she let out a scream. SNAP goes the rest of her right hand's fingers "You made my life hell" endless tears were rolling down her cheeks. I was getting hungrier, SNAP goes her legs, she was begging me to stop. SNAP goes her arms.

"I'm not the monster you think I am" I whispered as she wailed
"I'm the monster you wanted me to be" I hissed into her ear

"PLEASE, I'll do anything you ask" she managed to screamed out

"Then die" I then broke her neck

I dug into my 321st meal that night

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