Chapter 30

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I couldn't help but smile at Persephone's face, she had that look of a toddler seeing a chocolate cake, pure happiness, and I was happy that I can finally have her experience this with me, I don't normally swim with anyone, not even Shelly, she's a friend sure, but she's more like my most loyal subject, she does have errands to run, she helped me out and hung out with me more when I was new to this, now she is off doing her own things, she also has a mate to tend to, I now understand that feeling, a feeling I can experience with Persephone. 

I felt her arms cling around my shoulders tighter, I hissed/laughed at that, she now knows what I felt like when I rode on her back all the time, she rested her chin on my shoulder and I relaxed at that, she calms me down like no one ever. I re-focused on my destination, I saw the kingdom in sight, I sped up my pace, smirking at the thought of my hair going in Persephone's face. We reached the kingdom, and I slowed down, I saw Gina and Keira looking over the siren's work, they looked very serious about running the kingdom, I approve. Me and Persephone then entered the library.

''Okay, after the trip you had to endure, could you help me find a book called 'The Book Of Prophesy'?'' Persephone nodded and went off into a direction, scanning the area in wonder. A thought suddenly struck me, she will know my past, will she think of me differently? That I was suicidal once, that I had scars, which now faded from my new life, will she care that I was a messed up, worthless girl back then? Maybe I still feel like that, but Sirens hide their true sadness behind their feisty, bloodthirsty demeanor and we wreck that sadness onto the human population, but we also do it to survive and keep our youthful appearance.

''Hey love, I found it!'' Persephone called from the other end of the room, I swam over and spotted her playing with the book, tossing it into the 'air' I swam above her and grabbed it, I don't normally see this playful side to her, it's the cutest thing, damn I sound cheesy as hell. I took her hand and led her onto a decorated sofa, she kept staring at my tail in awe, I smirked and brought her hand to the scales, her eyes widened in fascination and ran her fingers over them, I shuddered, she pulled her hand away suddenly looking scared.

''Does that hurt you? I'm sorry Nari'' She said with pain in her voice, but Nari? That's new.

''No, no, our tail's are sensitive, it tickles, I don't mind if it's by you, you're the first that I allowed to touch my tail'' I laughed and started to open the book, Persephone smiled and came closer to have a peek. I looked up from the book and thought I should first tell her about how I came to be, well, me now.

''Before I find the page, I need to tell you that I was not always like this'' I said and directed my gaze anywhere but to her, I felt her hand slide from my tail to my hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze, indicating I could continue.

''I was 16, I used to go to the school we go to currently, but I didn't get positive attention like I do now'' I felt her tense up, I could sense her jealousy when I said attention. ''I didn't have a good reputation to say the least, I got bullied, physically and verbally, until I grew numb to it, which wasn't fast, it was that bad. I self harmed every time they called me names, which was every day, so I cut every night. The few friends I had, left, they didn't know how to help so they did what they thought was best and left me, in the dirt, once they did literally. I got pushed into a ditch by the people who bullied me, that went on for 2 years. If I didn't turn, I would be dead'' I felt my heart ache, if I was on land, I would be balling my eyes out. ''Now that I think about it, maybe the friends made the right choice by leaving, I saved them the trouble'' I felt blood from my hands, my claws were digging into my palms, and I noticed my voice has gotten lower, I looked over to a mirror in a corner and saw my vampiric form has surfaced.

I looked down and sighed, I heard a faint whimper from Persephone, she held me close, I could feel her trembling. ''I had enough one night, I was on the shore contemplating if I should jump off the high cliff, I could've ended it that night, but no, I was saved, the ocean saved my life, quite literally, it took me as their own, not like I wasn't theirs already, I apparently was one of the sirens before I was a human for my 16 years, I'm the daughter of Poseidon, and I just learned this not too long ago. I have heirs, thankfully, daughters of Oceanus and Tethys.''

''Who did this?'' I heard her say in a very low demonic tone, I looked over my shoulder and saw her breathing through her gills heavily, her fists were clenched, I could see her hair turn blazing red, her eyes were shut. ''Who hurt you so badly that I almost lost you, tell me!'' I could tell she wasn't herself, it was her vampire side taking over, ''I swear my love, if you tell me I'll let you watch me drain their stupid little lives away! You will watch them suffer as much as you did, even more'' Her voice went deeper, an inhumane voice, one that took her over. I grabbed her hands and I saw her eyes, crimson red, with black dots, they were beautiful, but deadly, I had to concentrate.

''Calm, down'' I said in my siren's voice, my eyes glowed a calming blue, it helps soothe souls, and it is just what Persephone needs, I saw Persephone come back to me, her breathing slowing down, her hair going back to her dyed gray, I sat back down. ''I already killed them, so don't worry anymore, we are supposed to be reading the book, love'' I nudged her arm and heard her sigh, but she nodded.

I turned to page 1,019 like Reina told me to, the title said it all: The War for the Siren Queen's Heart.  Persephone's eyes widened as she saw those 7 words on the page, she then grabbed the sofa underneath her and her claws grew into it, puncturing the fabric. I sighed and began to read.

''The werewolf king, Scar will eventually find our Siren queen Narissa, he wanders the seas for the queen himself, until the day he captures her, the queen will feel betrayal, pain, and regret. The battle shall be commenced by the waters our queen was born, but her powers will be greatly drained before the war, fortunately she will have her mate fight along her side, but that also goes for Scar's mate. No God or Goddess shall interfere with the war between the two species, according to the oath of Styx, declaring no God or Goddess except Nike shall meddle with conflicts with their creations. One thing is for sure, if Scar gets his victory, this world would face destruction, with his newly gained immortality from the queen's heart. Unfortunately, the Fates and Nike are the only ones who knows who will win this war, the odds are ever in their favor.

I screeched and threw the book away, I was fuming, I saw Persephone on edge again, but keeping her inner vampire contained. I punched the library walls, creating massive holes, I felt Persephone's hand on my shoulder, I hissed and breathed heavily, this war is all cause of my heart? I heard about stealing hearts, but not literally, this whacko is going too far.

''I won't let you die, we will end this war together" Persephone said with a hint of determination, but she seemed sad and angry, like she was hiding something else, but all that was on my mind was the war.

This war will end, and I will say for a fact, it will end with me and Persephone, with their blood on our hands, and teeth.

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