Chapter 10

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I groaned when I heard breakfast being set up in the diner, I told my sirens that I had school the next morning, and whoopdedoo it's morning. I sat up on my sponge bed and swam towards my body mirror, I look like the Loch Ness monster's child, no offense to him, I hummed out a melody as I begin to comb my wavy hair, now you might think that sirens and mermaids have no problems combing their hair but uhhhh sorry to break it to you hun but no we have problems, sure some sirens and mers use a little spell so their hair would be PERFECT, but those are mostly the people who don't even try, I like my appearance to look as if I put effort into getting ready, and not just bippitiebapittiboo magic, sure it's not how it works in the real world but you catch my drift.

I just leave my bras off today, in the ocean we don't care if girls don't have bras on, let's be honest, we've seen worse, and besides we have scales covering them so it's kind of useless, they're pretty much for showing off, and yes we have the scales when we form into humans. I have a strict rule of respecting other people, so even the sluts and jocks have to respect everyone, but they can sleep around whenever they want.

I swam out to see every siren getting ready to eat, sitting on chairs made out of seashells, you can say we have a pretty massive table to include almost all the sirens, many of them moved out of the kingdom because they found their mates or would like to live alone, whenever they need food they just come here, we are family after all.

I finish my kelp and sushi, and excused myself , all the sirens bowed and curtsied. I swam outdoors and turbo sped to the surface, just in time to remember I forgot what I wear, I don't have stupid pants, shirts, or shorts, I haven't walked in a year, I never loved land, I love the ocean and the freedom it gives, of course there's much more to that but there's no time to explain.

I think for a moment and swam to a nearby spot where there is plenty of long seaweed to make a skirt and a crop top, of course I'd need to buy some real clothes at a nearby shop, and a small one at that so I don't get so many stares, I swam to the shoreline and plopped myself onto the sand, I sighed as I glared at the 'home' I once knew, why do I need to find my mate on land..

The water from the ocean wrapped around my tail quickly as it transformed my tail into legs, it felt like my tail was splitting apart with shears, it hurt like a bitch. The ocean goddess said I need to be near water for me to transform back into my full siren, but everything can change except my legs, my siren features will change but I won't have my tail without water, it means if it rains it will change me, one drop of water will make me transform within 15 seconds.

Once my legs appeared I meddled with the seaweed into a skirt and crop top, weaving them through one another. After a grueling hour I made the outfit, I slipped them on and tried to stand up, key word tried. I wobbled as I attempt to steady myself, damn I never knew this would happen, I decided to crawl out of the beach and into the forest so I wouldn't be out in the open, I grabbed a tree to attempt to steady myself again and tensed my legs, I took each step carefully and walked slowly towards what I assume is the right way to the city.

I walked about 30 minutes until I found a bus sign, I would know those signs any day, I always took busses when I was human since my parents couldn't drive me and I was too lazy to get my license. But I didn't carry any money, we don't have such a thing under the ocean, I sighed as I think about using hypnosis, I mean they'll only have a slight headache...major.

I saw the bus come towards me as I widened my eyes to see teenagers chatting with others, I squint my eyes and looked at what I'm wearing, geez I'll be a freak until I can find a store. The bus stopped right next to me and people stared at me through the window, I looked at myself through the glass, I looked like I was before I turned into a siren, brown hair and brown eyes, but this time my hair was wet. The doors opened and I immediately felt uncomfortable, I walked inside and the bus driver waited for me to put in change for the ride, I had to.

"Let me ride without pay" I mumbled lowly

I stared into his eyes and I felt mine go black, I made sure my hair was in the way of the kids looking at what I was doing, after a few seconds they went back to brown and his from black to his natural green. I smirked as he waved me to the back of the bus.

"Hey! Over here girl!" I quickly turned my head to the voice and saw a girl with grey eyes and dyed grey hair. I instantly smelt vampire, and another scent, a calming lemon smell.

"Hi, I'm guessing I can sit here?" I asked with a hint of seduction

Yes sirens can charm both genders, it just hasn't been heard of yet, since we mostly lure sailors.

She bit her lip and her eyes shimmered a bit as she nodded and pat down beside her. I sat down beside her and she sniffed quietly, a thought came into my head, could she be my mate?

"Everything okay?" I asked and tilted my head to the side

"Mate?" she asked in a whisper. But it sounded more like a statement.

"I guess that's why I'm smelling lemon" I whispered back and laughed

She chuckled and looked down at my clothes in confusion

"We will stop at a little store for some clothes you can change into, it's on me, since I doubt you have currency in the deep blue sea" she smiled and I shrugged

"No we don't" I leaned back on the seat as I saw her eyes go wide with admiration

"Lucky, society here is so selfish and greedy" She said a bit down

"I know what that's like'' I nudged her arm playfully

We sat in silence, waiting for a few more stops until she sprout up in shock

"I haven't even asked what's your name!" She shook me by the arms, I put my hand on her shoulders and rolled my eyes, "it's Narissa, you?" She clapped her hands and pulled the chord for the next stop "it's Persephone" she chimed as the bus stopped. She pulled me along out of the bus and ran towards a store.

I finally found my mate.

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