Chapter 37

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Narissa's POV


I shook my head, I felt strong again, but this is a dream, it won't last long. I looked at Reina with sadness in my eyes, is this really how it's supposed to be? Reina walked towards me and looked down with the same sadness I had clear in my eyes.

''I'm afraid this is how it's supposed to be'' She spoke in a sad, yet calming voice. I felt my body shake, I don't know from what, it might be from anger and my tears trying to surface. Reina knelt down and took my hands in hers and looked me in the eyes.

''I'm sorry, but I can tell you what's going to happen before the fight begins. The Goddess Styx, her daughter Nike, and Ares will be there to watch the battle ensue, they will not intervene during it, but they will lay out the rules that the Fates made, Nike is the only Goddess who knows who will win, Styx will ensure no oaths will be broken, such as the Gods interfering other than Nike, they made those oaths long before you were born, and finally Ares, well, he is the God of War, so of course he would want to see blood be shed. I will watch you, but I cannot aid you. And finally, sirens and werewolves will collide during battle, but they won't touch you, Lynn, or Persephone. I have to go now Narissa, but be careful, for the Fates are watching your every move.

Dream ends

"Queen Narissa? You've been talking non stop in your sleep, how are you feeling?" I heard the familiar voice from Ebb, damn her, if only I didn't get her to her damn lake, I regret the decision to even allow her to swim, my empathy still remained, since I knew how it felt to feel alone. "Fine as I can be in this kind of hellhole" I hissed which Ebb showed her neck in submission. I felt groggy and weak but I hoisted myself up from the bottom of the tank, I needed to go home, I can't stand feeling like this. I looked over where Persephone was, she looked beautiful still, even after being put in silver chains, her breathing was slow and steady though. I slowly crawled to the side of the tank nearest to her. I weakly banged on the tank, trying to wake her up, I needed answers which she should have, all this happened so suddenly.

Her eyes fluttered open, but she quickly relaxed when she saw me, she tried walking towards me, but the chains clanged and pulled her back, making her hiss painfully in response. With the bond, she will be severely weakened since she feels my state. I looked at her worriedly, but she smiled in reassurance that she was as okay as she can be.

''Who are you to Scar, Persephone?'' I said in a soft voice

She looked down at her feet and scowled, then looked up at me with a tear surfacing.

''I'm his sister. I ran away from here many years ago, to escape my father's dedication of capturing you, you were little, no older than me, I heard so much about you from my father, but I disapproved of his intentions, I hate war, I want peace, this..prophesy thing that Scar mentions, I only know very little from what father told us when we were little. Your capture would earn him immortality since capturing a God is impossible, that was all I heard until I left, and now that I heard he died, and mother committed suicide, she drank her last human and sat in the sun until daybreak. Maybe it was my fault on leaving my brother to turn into this monster, I heard stories from around here that the werewolf king slaughters innocent creatures to make others fear him. I cried every night until I found you. I hoped every day you wouldn't be captured, but look at us now..''

I looked at her and my heart sank, I sensed Ebb's sadness too, Persephone left her whole family just because she didn't want me to get killed. I felt horrible, but I don't think I could do anything back then, I didn't know this until not too long ago. I figured I should tell her about when I was human, ever since that day she saw my missing poster at school, here goes nothing...

Lynn's POV

It's the night before the war, I'm shaking, I don't want to lose the only friend I had but after everything, she would not forgive me, she's changed and I wish I could turn this around, but only the Fates can, and they are not easy-going I had heard, I hated myself for letting her go. My best friend. I realized sometimes memories are the worst form of torture. Unfortunately me and Scar are informing our pack about the war tonight.

Scar walked into the room and smiled at me then came over to where I was sitting, he pulled me close and kissed my head, I tensed very slightly at that. You can't blame me, he will be the possible end to Narissa, and it didn't sit well with me at all. I pulled away gently making him raise his eyebrow at me.

''Look, Scar. You need to be careful of Nari, she isn't as fragile as she seems'' I said looking at my hands on my knees

''Looks that way when she's in that tank, dear'' He laughed like this was nothing but a joke and a chance of immortality.

''You say that now but watch your tongue around her. She will bare her fangs and tear you apart with all the grace of a queen'' I spat that sentence out with venom in my tone and without remorse.

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