Chapter 44

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Narissa's POV

I heard the howls, they were coming and fast. I turned towards my sirens and made sure they were all ready for what was to come, hundreds of them were ready to die if it came to that, I grimaced at the thought of my family even succumbing. I sighed out when a voice entered my head 'they are coming, and they are stronger than ever' I looked over into the water and saw Reina, she had a worried expression on her face, indicating this was no easy fight, but Keira and Gina trained my sirens non stop, they have to be ready.

The werewolves emerged from the forest, snarling at my sirens, but more specifically at me. I saw this wolf, bigger than the rest leading the pack towards us, it must be Scar, and he had Lynn by his side, she was in human form though, something tells me she won't fight her best without her lake or any fresh body of water, nixies only have limited strength outside their homes and with that I feared for her.

Persephone looked at me and gripped my hand 'I know you care about her, but either of us has to go my love' I sulked at her voice, but one thing I was afraid of was that our strength was shared since we bonded, her strength is with me, and mine with hers and if either of us fall in battle then it'll get worse from there, we need to keep our ground.

Sirens and werewolves were a fair distance apart, when a huge white light glowed brightly above center. 3 Gods appeared before us all, Styx, her hair was a deep obsidian black, her eyes had no irises, just pure black, and she had a net-like dress. Nike, her hair was golden blonde and her wings were around 10 feet wide, she had a pure white dress, she was bearing a torch which lit up the battlefield, she also was wearing a wreath crown. Ares had a tall spear, his red cape flowing in the wind, and his face covered with his helm. I could feel the tense air, thunder rumbled as we all bowed to them. ''Rise'' Ares's voice boomed loud enough to echo through for miles.

''As you all know, tonight is the war, we have around 5 minutes to explain the rules to all of you, which Nike will start off, Styx will explain the consequences, and I will see that the battle ensues at the right time''

Nike started off, in a strong tone of voice, ''First rule, you cannot use extreme weaknesses, for sirens they can't use blood bending, boiling, or freezing in any way, werewolves cannot use celestial in any way. Second rule, the leader of the pod and pack cannot fight the members of the opposite party, for example Scar and Narissa can only fight each other. Third rule, absolutely no interference from the members that will benefit the leaders, no helping except at the very end. Which brings me to the final rule of battle, once either side's members are all perished, the remaining will help try and take down the leader, whoever emerges alive, wins.'' Nike went to the side of the battlefield, letting Styx announce her expectations.

''As the Goddess of unbreakable oaths and the River Styx, I will make sure no one breaks these rules, and make sure the Gods do not help in any way, except Nike, who ensures there is a victor. If anyone decides to break these rules that are bound by the prophesy, they will burn in my river for all eternity. Remember, some things are worse than death.'' I shook slightly and finally Ares looked up at the moon, it was at it's peak, both species are at their strongest.

Ares raised his spear, and let out a bellowing yell, indicating start of battle.

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