Chapter 13

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I woke up in the ocean again, and saw Reina and another woman, she was gorgeous, she had white hair and silver eyes, and a pale complexion, she looked like the human version of the moon.

Reina came down to me and hugged me like she hasn't seen me in a long time, I hugged her back and sighed, it felt good to be home.

''Luna here would like to talk with you, Narissa'' She stood back to her full height and gestured Luna forward, in a blinding white light Luna was right in front of me, kneeling down.

''I hope you like your mate, my star. She will be your weakness, every mate is a weakness, always in a good way, and she will be your perfect weakness. Remember this though, she will have to be transformed into a hybrid, for when she rules by your side as queen, she will match your strength, but this won't be for a while. Oh, and before I leave, the school you'll be attending will be the same school you were in a year ago, unfortunately they'd recognize you if you look the same as back then, so I will use glamour to make you look different from what you looked last year, until you return to the ocean. Good luck, my star.

The last thing I saw, was Luna's hand glowing on my cheek
Dream ends ~

I immediately woke up on high alert, Persephone was getting dressed, her hair up in a high messy bun, she still looked gorgeous. I got up from the bed and looked in the mirror, Celestial was right, I did look different, a WHOLE new different, I had a pastel green hair color, light blue eyes, and my jaw wasn't as defined, I breathed in, this was a drastic change.

I combed out my hair, when I heard a scream, I turned towards the scream and saw Persephone looking at me with a shocked expression. ''It's just a glamour to make me look different at school, that's all you should know'' I said and smirked, she sighed and nodded, I heard her thought, 'She's so beautiful' I smiled at that. I have slight mind reading, but only to a limited extent. I got into the dress that Persephone bought me, I brushed my hair, and since I naturally look beautiful now, I don't need makeup.

I saw Persephone smile at my dress and she nodded, I guess she approves of it, why wouldn't she? She had a halter top and high waisted shorts, she looked...stunning.

We walked out the door and I sighed looking at the dreaded bus sign. Persephone looked at me and put her hand on my shoulder. "I can give us a lift, just climb onto my back" I did as she told me, she grabbed onto my legs and in a blink of an eye all I could see are trees and houses zooming by, my hair tugging at my scalp from the wind going past us, I summoned a bit of my siren strength to help me hold on. I looked at Persephone and noticed her features changed, her hair was blazing red, her fangs I could see since her lips were parted slightly, and her eyes, her irises were blood red.

Persephone suddenly stopped and I had to add more of my strength so I don't wind up scraping against the concrete ground, I let her go and landed beside her, she turned back into her human form and winked at me. "Hope I didn't give you a fright Narissa" I laughed at her worried smile, it was exhilarating to say the least, it was just like swimming in the ocean, except of course on land. I shrugged and got pulled along towards I assume the entrance, I got pulled through a door and saw what looks like a hundred people staring at me, I caught one face though, it was the werewolf that I saw on the rock, I saw him with another girl by the lockers, he had that look of happiness, the look he once gave me, except more pure. I'm glad I didn't have to worry about him, I lifted my gaze towards Persephone who was squeezing my hand to make sure I'm okay, I just nodded, I wanted to get this over with and return home.

I stopped her for a second, because I forgot a very important detail, my name, this school was the school I went to before I got turned. "Promise me to use another name, not my real name, it's kind of complicated but I need you to do this for me, I will tell you why, later" I said with a rushed voice, she looked at me like I was crazy, but shrugged it off.

She guided me to the office and chatted with the secretary. "Hi, my girlfriend's new here, her name is...Atlantis" she then looked to me and raised her eyebrow, oh she probably needed my last name, damn we don't use last names in the kingdom, I guess I'll use a fake last name, "Opal, Atlantis Opal" I said clearly enough the woman could hear, she typed something out and handed me my schedule, along with my lock, me and Persephone walked towards the crowd of lockers and looked at which number I was, 43.

Once we got to my locker I opened it up, nothing, "I'm not sure I'll even need a locker" I said as I lean on the locker, Persephone smirked and kissed my cheek ''You can use mine then, for homework and all that jazz'' I nodded, suddenly I felt my throat tighten up, I needed food, and I need it fast, I looked towards the clock and saw we still had an hour until classes start, I looked towards Persephone with scared eyes and pointed to my throat, her eyes flashed a worried look, "are you hungry? I can get you human" her voice was a quiet melody, I was drifting away, my gills needed to come out, I needed to feed in the water, I tried to mouth 'ocean' to her and she pretty much read my mind because she picked me up and ran out of the school, once she was out she used her speed to get her to the beach as fast as she could, I felt so weak, I could hear the waves of the ocean calling me back, we were close, so close...

I felt myself dip into the saltwater and I slowly opened my eyes, Persephone's hand was on my cheek and I could see a tear form in her eye, I took her hand away slowly and swam deeper, I swam for around 20 minutes until I saw a crew on a ship, goodness these lads don't know it's dangerous, it's rare to see sailors in the daylight, I poked my head out of the water and I began my song:

"Sailors live so restlessly,
Come with me, sleep peacefully,
Listen to this siren's song,
Worry not for nothing's wrong,

Let my voice lead you this way,
I will not lead you astray,
Trust me as we reach the side,
Jumping out where men have died

Hear my voice beneath the sea,
Sleeping now so peacefully,
At the bottom of the sea,
Sleep for all eternity"

By the time I was done, I saw the boat come towards me, it looked to only be five people, but it'll have to do for now.


I groaned as my teacher babbled on about some stupid formula in math, gosh I feel sorry for my mate, but someday, she will be my queen, and she will be a great ruler, at that thought I could see Reina smiling in my mind.

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