Chapter 8

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Alpha Cassiel POV

I groaned as I opened my heavy eyelids to the bright, white light the moon was giving. "Mate! Where is mate?!" My wolf, Lash barked in my head. I scanned my surroundings rapidly, where could she be? The last thing I remembered was looking into her beautiful yellow, enchanting eyes, but then it was like I was slipping into an endless sleep, I wondered what happened.

"Alpha! There you are!" My Beta, Shane yelled as he ran towards me.

"Don't worry, I was fine, I am fine. I just need to be left alone

Shane nodded and left

Narissa POV

"I sentence you to banishment, traitor" I boomed with my Queen tone to the so called guard, he was caught sneaking into the throne room to take the crown, of course, my senses are sharper than a normal siren's, I could sense a mere traitor more than a mile away, I just needed evidence he was one. I flicked my wrist towards him and he flew back 20 feet into a massive pillar, I scoffed and checked my nails.

"Take him away" I ordered to the other guards who were on either side of me

They bowed and swam towards the traitor laying on the sea floor unconscious, how weak. I got off my throne and sighed, I need to relax, too much is on my mind, I swam towards my room and motioned the guards to let me through, they bowed and raised their halberds to let me through the curtains. I flopped onto my bed and covered my face with my sea sponge pillow, a lot has happened in my life and I'm not so sure I can handle it, Shelly is falling head over tail for her mate who is mortal, Lynn hasn't visited me for a little over a year, my parents probably forgot about me by now.

I smirked and sat up slowly, why would I care about those fools? They mean nothing to me now, I'm a Siren Queen, not a mere pest on land, as for Shelly, I guess I can't blame her, they were real mates after all.

I pushed off my bed and swam out of the curtains and out of the castle at turbo speed, I needed a snack in the process as well, I'm practically starving here.

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