Chapter 39

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Lynn's POV

I clenched my fists as Scar busted down the metal door, his black eyes piercing through my soul and his black hair a mess probably from destroying the whole damn castle.

''You will pay for disobeying me Lynn'' He snarled through his canines.

My eyes flashed silver at that. ''No Scar, you are the one who broke the rules we have to abide by, the moon goddess is not pleased with you, as you should know by now'' My voice went a few octaves lower at the last part. She is coursing within me, unhappy with his abuse to Narissa.

''Luna, you finally decided to surface'' He laughed, at a Goddess, Luna would not have it.

''You will have a price to pay for your foolish acts, a very poor choice for the king of werewolves, it is unfortunate that my child stooped this low. If it wasn't for my oath I would obliterate you myself'' My voice wasn't my own, Luna took full control.

''You have made many mistakes, like Lynn as my mate. You're right, Styx would not be pleased, it's amusing that you fear her'' He smirked, proud of what he said as my heart raced with anger and adrenaline, tears starting of form at the corners of my eyes, how could he?

I heard her voice in my head, ''You were never a mistake my dear, his vengeance is blinding him. He needs to come to his senses, which won't be easy, the loss of his father is making him cold'' She said with sadness evident in her words.

''You happen to not know what Goddess Styx is capable of, if you know what's good for you then you shall not speak of her with little to no respect'' Luna sounded high and mighty, I smirked at that, unfortunately I was weakening from her inhabiting my body for so long, a Goddess taking your body as a vessel can exhaust the person out, it all depends on their power and strength.

Scar rolled his eyes, he turned to leave ''I will see you all tomorrow then, for my victory and my father's'' He walked out the dungeon in a hurried pace. I felt my body become lighter and relieved, Luna was now standing in front of me. ''My apologies, it had to be done, or else he would hurt you more than your body can handle, since you are not in water. You were lucky you showered before you engaged, so your body was stronger'' She hovered her hand above me, I felt my strength come back rapidly, my skin mending from where his claws got me, soon enough I was feeling at my strongest.

''I must leave, I have a meeting with the Gods for tomorrow's 'event'. Go tend to Narissa, and please release her parents as well. I'm sure she misses them and desire answers from them"

I nodded as she faded out.

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