And she lived her life to the fullest.

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Hello there beautiful people.

Thank you.

Thank you for reading my words that I have typed up in my saddest days.

I am a new person.

Or should I say I'm

I'm no longer another person just existing.

I'm no longer living my life in a fog.

I'm finding who I am.

The fog is lifting and I can see the beautiful panorama.

I now see where I can travel.

Where my next step can go.

I can enjoy what I could not see a couple of months ago.

So thank you for those few that have kept on reading this tedious, melodramatic journal of mine.

But I must end this journal.

For I am no longer as oppressed as I was.

I'm happy to end this journal.

It needs to end.

Ending it will be a notion of the end of my depression, of my darkness.

So thank you, yet again.

And I hope you'll join me on my journey through the panorama.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2014 ⏰

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