Powers Part 2

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"okay so think of the animal you want to transform into" Wanda tells me, "I'm thinking and it's not working, maybe I can only do domestic animals" I sigh giving up. "no (Y/N) one more time, just concentrate and picture yourself as the animal" wanda says, I sigh and close my eyes "just concentrate (Y/N) you can do this" I hear Steve say from across the gym. With refilled determination I picture my feet turning into paws, my nails elongating into claw, my clothes melting onto orange and black fur. When I open my eyes I see wanda and Steve looking at me happily, I glance down at my body to see I did what I wanted and turned into a tiger. Clint then walks into the room and sees me "whoa since when was this a zoo" he jokes, I roar and growl at him. He immediately puts his hands up in surrender "sorry, nice kitty" he say backing away, "very good (Y/N) now see if you can change into a different animal without turning back to normal first" wanda instructs. I close my eyes and repeat the process again, picturing a new and different animal, when I open my eyes I have to look down to see Steve and wanda as I had successfully turned myself into an elephant. I turn myself back to normal before doing a little victory dance "well done (Y/N), I knew you could do it" Steve smiles, "thanks and it's a good thing bruce and tony made this suit otherwise this would be rather embarrassing" I laugh pointing down at my new suit "do you think I would be able to go on missions now?" I ask. I had been training with the avengers for a few months now and was more than eager to get into the field, "I think once you can incorporate your powers into the hand to hand combat we've taught you then yeah" wanda says. "yeah in a battle environment you'll need to be able to make these changes quickly and to your best advantage" Steve adds "but you are really close, a month or so more training and then I think you'll be ready" I nod my head since it's not the exact answer I wanted. "cool I think I'm going to go get a shower, I'll see you guys at dinner" I smiles picking up my bag and walking out of the gym.

I was sat on the railing on the balcony at the tower, overlooking the city and its glowing lights in the dark. It was peacefully quiet and was perfect for thinking, mid thought I see a small flock of birds fly over my head. I smile as I watch them fly by and into the distance, I look down at the ground below me and smile to myself before I push off and dive downwards. After falling for a few moments I turn myself into an eagle and fly back up the tower spinning in the air once I get to the top. I look over the city again before I head off the fly around the buildings, weaving in and out. I laugh at the fun I was having, I look to see central park below me. I dive down and run the tip of my wing across the water's surface, I swoop in between the trees and their branches before emerging into the open air again. I fly back to the tower and fly through my open window turning back to normal as I land, I was smiling to myself until I looked up and saw Steve stood in my room arms crossed. "do you realises how scary it to watch one teammates dive though the air outside your office window" he asks/states, I bit my lip "sorry I didn't think anyone would see" I apologise. He sighs and drops his arms "its fine, just glad you didn't end up as I grease mark on the pavement" he says "now come on dinners ready" he opens the door and gestures for me to go first "thanks Steve" I say placing a hand on his arm as I pass.

"okay (Y/N) we've set up this simulation and we want you to do your thing" tony explains leading me into the empty gym. Once I was inside the room he leaves and a bunch of holographic people appear "okay you ready?" tony asks over the speaker, I take a deep breath "ready". There were 6 holographic guys on the floor spread out, the closest goes into for a strike but I duck out of the way turning into a horse as he stumbles pass I kick out my legs and send him to the floor. I run towards the next 2 guys and transform into a lioness as I leap taking the two down, I turn into back into a human and dodge a holographic arrow that was shot from above. The last 3 on the ground group together and attack me at the same time, I turn into a gorilla and take out one guy as I kick another. As I take out the last one and turn to face the last 4 up above me, I run leap and turn into a giant eagle swooping in taking out one before returning to normal and taking out the next. The 3rd shoots at me and I dodge it by turning into a snake and then striking at him. The last guy I return to normal once again and face it in hand to hand combat before I quickly take him down, I pause and catch my breath "good one, you can come down now" tony calls as he walks back into the gym flanked by the rest of the team. I jump from the platform turning into a bird before landing in front of the team "how did I do?" I ask once back in my normal form, I look over at Steve and see him smiling at me and I cant help but smile back. "very good, excellent in fact, I'm sure you are more than ready to accompany us on mission" Steve says glancing round at the team who all nod in agreement "great you're an avenger now, time to celebrate I think" tony says rubbing his hands in anticipation "give me 24 hours and it's be all ready" tony pulls out his phone leaving the gym planning. The rest of the team follow leaving just me and Steve in the gym, "you were amazing just then" Steve says rubbing the back of his neck stepping closer slightly. "thanks Steve, it feels good, I don't feel scared of them anymore" I say looking up at him smiling "hey I was wondering since its lunchtime why don't we head out and grab a coffee and a bite to eat" Steve offers nervously. I smile "yeah sound good, let me go get changed into something more appropriate" gesturing down to my suit, "that's great, I'll meet you in the garage when you're ready" Steve smile happily. I leave the gym and head to my room smiling to myself.

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