A little secret

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A/N: request for jaza628 hope you like it! also i have a few imagines going at the moment so expect them to be up soon, also i will be making Taken in into a mini series that will also continue soon.

I woke up for once knowing I had nothing to do all day, just a day with my husband. We both had managed to get a day off together for what seems like ages, everytime we didn't have training we had a mission. I slowly turned round to face Steve and smiled when I saw him peacefully asleep his lips parted ever so slightly. I stayed still just watching him, I shifted slightly to get comfortable making Steve stir. As his eyes began to open he smiled seeing me already awake "morning" he smiles, "morning" I smile. "how long have you been up?" he asks rubbing his eyes, "not long I promise, sorry if I woke you" I say, Steve shakes his head "no its okay you didn't, I was waking up anyway" he says wrapping an arm around me and pulling me closer. "i heard thor was in charge of breakfast today, so instead of poptarts or possible food poisoning if he tried to cook do you want to go out for breakfast?" I ask him glancing up, "sounds good to me, do you want to go now?" he asks. "no just a few more minutes" I say snuggling into him more making him laugh "of course" he says kissing the top of my head. A little while later we did get up and went out to a small café that we liked to go to when a team member who wasn't great at cooking was in charge of breakfast. "car or bike?" Steve asks as we walk to the garage, "bike" I say leading him over to it, "that's not like you" he says, "well it gives me another excuse to hug you" I say making him laugh "okay fair enough now get on" he says getting on. I get on behind him and wrap my arms around him as he drove out of the compound and towards the city.

Once we were at the café we ordered and sat down in one of the booths, as we talked Steve mindlessly fiddled with my hand. "um (Y/N)?" he says shifting awkwardly in his seat, "yeah Steve?" I ask rubbing his hand with my thumb. "did you, um have you" he says trying to form the right words, I instantly realise what he was trying to ask. "yeah I did, I'm sorry it was negative" I sigh sadly, me and Steve had been trying to have kids for a while now but it just hadn't happened. "I'm sorry it's my fault" Steve sighs shaking his head, "hey no its not, Steve these things take time, it will happen I promise you, and when it does it will make the wait worth it" I tell him. Steve looks up and over at me "I know I just hoped it would be sooner rather than later" he sighs, "me too, but it will happen, and we never know it may be sooner rather than later" I say. Steve smiles "I wouldn't know what I'd do without you" he says, "me neither" I smile leaning over the table to kiss him. I then get a text from Nat "Nat is asking us to come back" I tell him, "why what's happened?" Steve asks, "I don't know, oh wait she texted again, something about a food fight and she's struggling to contain the boys" I explain. "who do you think the culprits are?" Steve asks standing up, "well Wanda and vision probably left when it started, thor it depends on whether he has pop tarts, Clint maybe he said he wanted to try and see if he could fire food from his bow, tony possible tried to stop it but then caught in the cross fire and then got involved, Sam and Bucky probably started it" I say as we walk back to the bike. "what about Bruce?" Steve asks as he gets back on "well I'm guessing he managed to get out because I haven't had a code green text alert yet" I say looking at my phone. "go the long way home?" Steve suggests as I get on "of course" I say wrapping my arms around him.

When we got back to the compound Nat greeted us almost immediately "I have given up on them" she say marching away picking a bit of pancake out of her hair. "I'm going to get my shield" Steve sighs "why"do you need that, its only food" I ask, "yes but its food thrown by these guys" he says. Once we had the shield we entered the communal area where we found that it had been turned into a food warzone, each team hiding behind couches. One one team was Bucky and Clint and the other team was tony and Sam. "at least thor isn't involved" I say ducking a flying waffle, "guys that's enough!" Steve shouts but it falls on death ears and the fight continues. Steve giving up on trying to tell them stop throws his shield around the room making everyone duck for cover "seriously Steve you could have taken our heads off" Bucky says standing up. "right now I don't care, now who started this is?" he asks, Clint and tony instantly point to their team mates "knew it, now how did you too get involved in this?" I ask pointing to tony as Clint. "Bucky hit me with a raw egg" tony says "I was trying to stop them", "yeah and tony hit me with a pancake" Clint says. "and how did this start?" I ask looking at Bucky and Sam "Bucky complain that I had the last pancake and so stole the milk so I slapped him across the face with my pancake" Sam explains. "well you four are going to clean all of this up so it is spotless and you guys will be in control of all the meals for a week and that does not mean take out" Steve orders. "but they started it!" tony complains, "yes and you got involved which makes you equally as guilty" I explains "both of you did now start cleaning up, we'll be checking on you to make sure you are actually doing it too, so no slacking, that mean you stark" I say pointing over at him.

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