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A/N: request for billierebecca hope you like it sorry it took so long but uni life has finally settled down. anyone else that has requested hopefully i should be posting them soon :)

(Y/N)'s POV

As I walked into the lab taylor swift's 22 started blasting through the speakers, "really tony its been 3 months do you have to do that everytime I walk in" I complain walking over to turn it off. "what you're only 22 once gotta make the most of it" tony says trying to turn it back on, "stop it, play anything else but that please" I say stopping him. "tony what are you doing?" Steve says walking in, "I'm just helping your girlfriend celebrate being 22, since I didn't get to do it with anyone else on the team" tony says. "just stop okay, it was funny at the beginning but if you play it for the next 9 months I will lose it" I tell him, "okay fine, I won't do it everytime just the odd occasion" tony offers. "better than nothing come on Steve before he starts playing it again" I sigh taking Steve's hand and leading him out of the labs. "so since we have the day to ourselves, if the world doesn't try to end that is, what do you want to do?" Steve says taking both of my hands smiling down at me, "I don't know, as long as the team don't find a way of interrupting I'm good" I smirk. "well I have an idea which we could easily do without the interruption of the team" Steve says, I raise a brow at him "oh really what is it?" I ask. "better not tell you here, JARVIS may tell tony, just meet me by my bike in half an hour" Steve smirks, "okay, see you then, you aren't secretly kidnapping me are you?" I smirks. "why would I need to, I already have you" he smiles leaning down and kissing me, "very true, now you better go otherwise you wont be at your bike in half an hour" I tell him. "I could wait a few more moments" Steve says shrugging his shoulders, "and what will you do with that time?" I ask him, "this" he smirks pecking me on the lips before heading off. Half an hour later I walk down to the tower's garage to find Steve leaning against his bike, "told you I'd be here" he smirks as I walk over, "didn't doubt you for a second, now come on lets go on this magical mystery tour" I smile taking the helmet he offered me. he smiles getting on the bike "ready to go?" he asks, "only if you are" I smirk wrapping my arms around his waist. I held on tighter as we pulled out onto the main road. When we finally stopped I look around "welcome to Brooklyn" Steve says, "is this where?" I ask, "yeah it was, that apartment right there" Steve says pointing it out. "wow the original home of captain America" I smile, "that's only the beginning" he smirks "hold on" he smiles setting off again. Steve took me around the different areas in Brooklyn pointing out and telling me about his history here. "and for our final destination" Steve says pulling up outside coney island, "woah, I bet you took all your dates here" I smirk. "nope just you, I was waiting on the right girl" Steve smiles taking my hand "you definitely know how to make a girl feel special" I smile up at him. "I try my best, now lets go have some fun" Steve smiles leading me inside, we spent most of the day here. "you know Bucky always was amazing at these things" Steve says walking up to one of the booths, "what about you?" I ask him. He laughs slightly "terrible, but maybe I can actually win something this time" he smirks paying the stall holder to have a go. I watch as he lines up the shot and knocks down all of the cans in one go "impressive" I smirk, "thanks, now which one do you want?" he asks. "can I have that one?" I ask pointing to the teddy bear that was dressed up as captain America "really?" Steve laughs, "yeah it can be my stand in cuddle buddy when you're away on missions" I smirk. "well here is your stand in cuddle buddy" Steve smiles passing it to me, "thank you" I smile leaning up and kissing him.

I woke up the next morning not feeling very well, I sigh to myself sitting up slowly to try and stop my head from spinning. Suddenly the urge to be sick got worse and I had to sprint into the bathroom just making it to the toilet in time, "(Y/N) doll are you okay?" Steve asks following me in. I just shake my head as Steve holds my hair out of the way and gently rubs my back. once the feeling had passed I washed my mouth out, "you feeling better?" Steve asks as I lean against the side, "I don't know that kinda came from nowhere, maybe I got food poisoning from something I ate at Coney island" I say thinking out loud. "well rest up, you don't have to do anything today and I'll look after you" Steve offers as we walk back into the bedroom, "don't you have stuff to do?" I ask him, "yes but while I'm not here this guy will look after you" Steve smiles passing me the captain America teddy. "thank you" I smile, "now get in bed and rest up, I'll check up on you in a bit once I let Nat know you can't train" Steve smiles, I do as I'm told getting back in bed "see you in a bit" Steve smiles gently kissing my forehead. For the next few days I continued to be sick every morning, "I don't know what could be wrong with me, its just the morning that I feel sick, I hate not doing anything" I complain to Nat, "I know it must be borning, so its only in the morning you feel sick" she says drifting off at the end. "no I can't be, I mean we're careful" I say shaking my head "maybe you should take a test just in case" Nat offers, "my parents will kill me if I am" I say dropping my head into my hands "well you may not be" she offers. "but what if I am, they didn't like the idea of me dating someone 9 years older than me" I say, "well they'll get over it and you may not be, like you said it could be a virus or something, and if it is stay away I don't wanna get sick" Nat says making me laugh, "would you mind going and getting one?" I ask her, "yeah of course and if you want I'll be there when you take it" Nat smiles. "thanks Nat, and don't mention anything to anyone just in case okay" I say, "of course I won't I'll be right back" she says getting up. a lot sooner than I wanted Nat returned "I got a couple of other items for either outcome" she says, "like what?" I ask, "positive, chocolate to make you feel better, negative alcohol to celebrate" she says holding up each time. "you know for the first time I really don't want chocolate" I say taking the test from the bag, "right lets get this over with" I sigh heading into the bathroom. Once I had done it I put it on the side "Nat I'm terrified" I say as I pace back and forth, "it will be fine either way I promise" she says trying to calm me. "how long has it been?" I ask, "1 minute" she says. I collapse onto the bed with a large sigh "I just want this to be over" I exclaim, "just a little longer and it will be over" Nat tells me. finally the time was over, "Nat I can't look, can you?" I ask passing her the test, "are you sure?" she asks, I just nod my head watching as she looked at the result "do you still not want the chocolate?" she says slowly. I drop my head into my hands "no I think I need it now" I sigh. "when are you going to tell Steve?" Nat asks passing me the chocolate, "oh god I don't know this all just seems too much" I sigh, I didn't really know how Steve would react at all, "we'll you've got to tell him sooner rather than later, it will be fine don't worry" Nat says reassuringly. I nod my head "yeah I'll tell him now, get it over with" I sigh standing up "I'm here for you okay?" Nat says hugging me, "thanks Nat" I smile.

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