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I re-adjust all of the shopping bags as the elevator doors open, I shuffle out and catch sight on the entire team just sat relaxing "hey guys, no I'm fine, I don't need help" I sigh. "sorry doll, here pass me some" Steve smiles getting up and taking a few bags from me " how come you've brought all of this?" he asks as we walk into the kitchen. I chuckle nervously "uh yeah about that, I may have completely forgotten I had invited my mom round for dinner tomorrow night, she kinda wants to meet all of you guys" I explain wringing my hands together "(Y/N) there's nothing to be worried about, I'm sure the team can't wait to meet her, I know I can't" Steve smiles as he helps me unpack the food. "Thank you Steve" I sigh smiling back at Steve "it's no problem doll anything for you" he says leaning over and pecking me on the lips. We continue putting away all of the food when Steve went to unpack another bag "(Y/N), why is this one just full of poptarts?" he laughs pulling a box out, "hm? Oh they're for thor, I notice his supply was getting low and I didn't want a repeat of the poptart incident" I explain thinking back on the event. "yeah, I don't think I've seen him so moody" Steve says "that wall didn't stand a chance" he sighs making me laugh. "Miss (Y/L/N) there is someone in the lobby for you" JARVIS says catching my attention "thanks Jarvis, did they say who they were?" I ask putting away the items in my hands "yes miss, it's your mother" JARVIS answers. I instantly freeze "oh crap, she's not supposed to be here until tomorrow" I exclaim "Steve what's the date?" I ask, "the 8th" Steve answers. "the 8th, crap I thought it was the 7th, Jarvis tell her I'll be right down" I say panicking slightly. "hey (Y/N) it's okay it's only your mom" Steve says resting his hands on my shoulders "I know I just want to make her proud you know, we didn't have much but she always did the best for me and I want to finally pay her back for it" I sigh. "(Y/N) look at me" Steve says softly, I look up at him and see the sincerity in his eyes "you are the most amazing person I have ever met and look at everything you've done, you have literally saved the world so of course she will be proud of you, now go and greet her while I prep the team and tell them what's happening" he smiles, I smile back up at him "thank you so much Steve" reaching up to kiss him.

The rest of the evening went pretty much to plan, the team was really nice to my mom and they weren't their usual rowdy selves when dinner was served. I was washing up some on the plates with Steve when she came into the kitchen holding something, "(Y/N) darling can we talk?" she asks nervously. I glance up at Steve and he gets the hint, leaving the two of us alone "yeah mom, what's up?" I ask drying my hands, "I was doing some clearing out the other day and I found this, it's a letter that i wrote to your father" she says passing the envelope over. "my dad? Didn't he leave before I was born?" I ask confused taking the envelope gingerly, "yeah but I wanted to give him a chance to come back, but I was too afraid to send it" my mom says glancing at the floor. "why did he leave? You never really told me" I ask my gaze set on the on the unopened letter, "he said he wasn't ready to be a father" my mom says sadly. I take a deep and shaky breath "okay, why are you bringing this up now?" I ask glancing up at her, "because I also have this" she says passing me another slip of paper. I took it and saw an address scribbled down on it, "it this where he lives now?" I ask my mom nods "yeah he got in contact a few months ago through an old friend and said he wanted to try and reconnect". I just stare at the address not really knowing what to do, "look (Y/N), you don't have to get in touch if you don't want to, I just wanted to give it to your just in case" my mom sighs giving me a slight smile, "thanks mom, I'll think about it" I smile, "good, I'm going to head back home now, thank you for a lovely evening, tell the team goodbye for me" my mom says giving me a hug. "will do, thanks mom" I smile, watching as she left. When I was alone again I look back at the address trying to work out what I should do, "you okay doll?" Steve asks pulling me from my thoughts. I force a smile putting the piece of paper in my pocket "a yeah sure, my mom just had to leave, she said she had a great time" I say, Steve nods walking into the kitchen "yeah I know just bumped into her, now what's really the problem?" he asks softly. I sigh, I could never hide anything from him, "this" I say pulling out the address and passing it to him "it's my dad's address" I explain. Steve furrows his brows as he looks at the address "the one that left?" he asks, I nod my head crossing my arms my gaze set on the floor, "what are you going to do?" he asks setting the piece of paper down. I shrug my shoulders shaking my head "I don't know, I'm mean the only thing I really know about him is what my mom told me, and I don't know if that's something I want to visit" I sigh, Steve nods "I understand, but maybe you should, for closure" he suggests. I glance up at him "I should, shouldn't i?" I say, "I don't know, that's up to you" Steve smiles.

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