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A/N: hey guys this is something a little different that i wanted to try and if you guys like it i will do more AU's and maybe make a second part to this, let me know what you think :) on a completely different note I may not be able to update as much as i would like over the next couple of weeks because if am moving to uni and will be settling into uni life, if you have requested anything i will still be writing them it will just take me a bit longer to write and post, and if anyone wants to request you still can :)

Steve's POV

"Steve we have put this off long enough, we need to begin the preparations now, this was supposed to happened 3 years ago" tony sighed as he paced back and forward in front of me. "I know but I wasn't ready, I still don't feel ready, I'm only 28 this is a big thing" I argue sitting back in my chair, "yes and unfortunately it is something you can no longer put off, the government is getting restless I can't hold them off for much longer" tony sighs rubbing his head tiredly. "but how can I do that when I don't even know how I am as I person, the only person I know is my title" I sigh standing up and walking over to the window, "you are Steven Grant Rogers, and I know exactly who you are you just need to see it too" tony sighs coming to stand at my side. "I need some air" I say turning round and walking towards the door "this conversation is not over" tony calls after me "it is for now" I call back opening to door and storming off towards my room. When I get there I find Bucky sat there waiting for me "trying to get things going again?" he asks when I sit down next to him with a large sigh. "yes, and I just don't know how I'm going to be a good leader and example if I don't even know who I am" I sigh sitting back and looking up at the ceiling. "Steve do you trust me?" Bucky asks, I glance over at him "of course I do buck, you're one of my best friends" I say. "according to tony your father was just like you, he didn't know how he could do it and he did, and when your mom took over when he died she did and amazing job too, it's in your blood, you're Prince Steven for crying out loud" Bucky say trying to cheer me up. "but that's the problem all my life I have been Prince Steven, never just Steve I don't know who Steve is" I exclaim, "you can't ask tony to be regent for another 3 years again though" Bucky sighs. "I know I just need a little bit more time to clear my head that's all" I say getting up again, "where are you going?" Bucky asks "to clear my head" I tell him walking out "but I thought we were going to hang out "go hang out with Natasha" I suggest as I leave. I had been riding around on my motorbike for hours now and was getting out into the quieter and more rural parts of the kingdom. As I rode along my bike began to splutter and slowly come to a stop "oh no not now" I complain getting off to see what was wrong with it, I sigh when I couldn't see what was wrong with it. I stand back up and look around to see if there was anyone around to help, all I could see was fields and a house in the distance. "well let's see if they know how to fix a bike, or at least tell me where I am" I sigh to myself as I start to push my bike towards the house.

(Y/N)'s POV

It had been a long day, working on my brothers farm, he and his family had gone out of town for a few days so asked me to watch everything. I didn't mind because I knew how to do everything but it was completely different to my usual day to day work in the city. I had just finished feeding all of the animals and started making myself something to eat when I heard a knock at the door, I groan inwardly just wanting to relax and not answer the door. When the person knocked again I couldn't not answer so I slowly made my way to the door, when I opened it I saw a large blond muscular man that seemed oddly familiar. "hi sorry to bother you ma'am but my bike seems to be broken and I was wondering if you knew anyone that could help me?" the man asks hopefully, "uh I can probably take a look at it, I'm not the best, just give me a moment" I sigh closing the door to turn the oven off. When I get back to the door the man was waiting there patiently "bring it round the back while I see what my brother has in the barn" I tell him, he nods and goes to get his bike. When I got back with my brother's tool box it was starting to get dark so I had to use a flashlight, "sorry I didn't get your name" the man says stepping forward "huh? Oh its (Y/N), (Y/N) Barton" I tell him looking back down at the bike "what's your name" I ask him. "oh its Steve, Steve rogers" the man says, I furrow my brows slightly "I feel like I've heard that before, have we met before?" I ask him, "no I don't think so, I think I would remember if we did" he says I glance up at him making him swallow nervously. "do you know what the problem is?" Steve asks, "yeah i do, I don't think I'll be able to fix it at least not in this light anyway, do you have to be back somewhere?" I ask him standing up and cleaning the oil off of my hands. "no not exactly, but I can't get to a hotel without my bike" he says nervously, "that's okay you can stay the night here, my brother and his family will be back in the morning, he's better with this bike stuff than me anyway" I tell him. "really you're okay with me staying the night?" Steve asks following me back into the house "yeah, you seem trustworthy enough plus if this was a scam it's a pretty bad one because you don't have a getaway vehicle" I say shrugging my shoulders. "very true, I promise this isn't a scam too, I don't think I'd ever get away with anything remotely bad" Steve chuckles "why's that? You're not on probation are you?" I smirk. "no nothing like that, my family have a high status so ever since I was little I couldn't get away with anything" Steve explains, "oh a little posh boy" I smirk "I still can't get over the fact that you are so familiar to me" I say. "does King Joseph and Queen Sarah ring any bells?" Steve asks me, "yeah of course I've heard of them and their son Steven.... Wait are you?" I ask slowly. "yeah I am but just call me Steve" Steve smiles, "well Steve unfortunately my cooking may not be the up to the standard that you're used to but I can promise you this isn't poisoned" I say turning the oven back on to finish cooking. "I'm sure it will be amazing, thank you so much for doing all of this for me" Steve smiles, "oh its nothing I mean when else will I have an actual prince knocking on my door asking for help" I laugh getting some plates out of the cupboard "you don't need to tell someone where you are right, I'd rather not have the army breaking into my brother's house, I've already killed one of his house plants I'd hate to see his reaction to a tank sized hole in the wall" I joke making Steve laugh. "yeah I probably should, I'll be right back" Steve says walking out of the kitchen. A little while later Steve walked back in just as I was serving up "looks good what is it?" he asks, "its pot pie, an old family recipe sorry the portions are so small I only cooked enough for one" I smirk, "I'll call ahead next time I promise" Steve smirks sitting down. As we started eating Steve started smiling "what?" I ask him, "nothing, this is just amazing, the food that is" he explains. "you're just saying that" I say shaking my head "no I not, I'm a very honest man, I'd love to have more of it sometime" Steve smiles. "a royal friends with a commoner, how outrageous" I joke making him laugh again "well as prince I can be friends with whoever I chose, I hope I can be friends with you" he smiles. "hmm don't think you're high up enough to be my friend" I smirk, "oh really?" Steve laughs. "really" I agree, "well I don't think I can be friends with some so high maintenance" he smirks, "coming from an actual prince" I laugh shaking my head "now shut up and eat your pie" I say pointing my fork at him "yes ma'am" he laughs. When we finished eating Steve helped me clean up the dishes, "they just go in the cupboard there" I tell him once he had finished drying the plates. "your brother has a nice house" Steve says looking round, "yeah it is, its actually my old family home, my brother took over the farm when my parents retired, its definitely a lot nicer than my apartment in the city for sure" I say drying my hands. "where about in the city do you live?" Steve asks, "about 5 minutes away from the bookcase café, that's where I work" I explain. "why is it called the bookcase café?" Steve asks confused, "because it has a library in it so people can read books while they eat and drink, you can buy a book or swap it for free" I explain. "that sounds really cool, I'd have to visit sometime" Steve smiles, "yeah that would be nice, come on I'll show you were you'll be sleeping" I tell him walking towards the stairs. "just in here" I say opening the door to the guest bedroom, "it's nice in here" Steve smiles looking around, his eye fall onto the sketches on the side "what are these?" he asks picking one up. "some of my clothing designs, it's just a hobby" I tell him shrugging my shoulders "they're really good, why don't you do this for a living?" he asks, "well you can't really do it if nobody hires you" I sigh glancing down at the floor "don't give up though, I'm sure the big break is just around the corner" Steve smiles. "thanks Steve, I'll see you in the morning, I'm just down the hall if you need anything" I smile heading out of the room "goodnight (Y/N)" Steve smiles.

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