4) End My Suffering

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Newt X Reader

(Y/N)'s POV

I was staring at Thomas and Newt and the horrific scene that was bestowed upon me. Newt was begging for Thomas to kill him. Thomas seemed so scared and sad. Well I would be too if my best friend told me to kill him.

Then Newt told Thomas how he got his limp. I didn't bother to listen, I didn't want to relive that day again. When he was done, I went out of my hiding spot and let Thomas and Newt see me. I saw that the both of them were shocked to see me.

"(Y/N) leave I don't want you to see this," Newt said.

I looked at Thomas who agreed with Newt. I was about to leave but I knew that Thomas could never live with himself if he killed Newt. Brenda maybe able to help him but he will always hate himself because of this. Thomas will never be the same again.

"No," I said bravely.

Newt's eyes turned dark and I could no longer recognize him. He ran towards me but Thomas stopped him but he dropped the gun in the process. I quickly picked it up and pointed it at Newt. Thomas let him go and went to my side.

"(Y/N) give me the gun," he said.

"No Thomas. You go. I'll kill Newt," I told him. I never thought that the last sentence that I said will come out of my mouth. "GO!" I yelled at him. He still didn't move.

"Go Tommy," Newt said.

Thomas gulped and he ran away. When he was far enough, I stared at Newt who was now staring at me.

"Are you going to kill me now?" He asked.

"Yes," I said my voice cracking.

"What are you waiting for?"

"I just wanted to do this," I went towards him and kissed him. It was the longest and best kiss that I've ever had. He kissed me back and now I was crying. "I love you," I whispered to him.

"I love you too," he said.

I quickly pulled away and shot him in the head. I cringed as I heard the gunshot. I kept my eyes closed and let the tears run freely. I didn't want to open them but I had to. I dropped the gun and opened my eyes. I saw Newt now dead. His blood pooling around him.

I crawled near him and rocked his head which now has a hole. It's a hole that I did. I killed him. I ended his suffering. I'm glad that I did. Now he's happy and he's feeling no more pain. Now, I'm the one feeling pain. I wanted to escape, I wanted to see him again.

I picked up the gun and saw that there was one last bullet left. I smiled and whispered to Newt's ear, "We'll be together again Newtie. I'm coming."

I took the gun and placed it on my head. I pulled the trigger and I was finally free. Newt's suffering ended and now mine did too.

A/N: Yeah this was a short one. Don't worry the next one won't be about Newt. Originally, this book was just supposed to be about Newt and TBS but then I got addicted to Peter Pan and Robbie Kay, so I did this.







❤️ Once_Upon_A_Glade

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