97) Last Night . . . I Believed

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A/N: Hey guys. I haven't updated an imagine in a while since I'm not fully focused on this book. I might only write when inspiration strikes me.

Secondly, this will be another Newt imagine but it will take place in Storybrooke.

Before we get to the imagine, how are you guys doing? After seeing the trailer?

I swear I'm not fine. I'm not okay! I can write or think about Newt dying, but whenever I think of that line and that line is being said by Thomas Sangster, I cry.

Lastly, I wanna say that in this imagine, everything is fine in Storybrooke. I mean, they've already achieved their happy endings. It's the ending of season 6.

Newt X Reader

(Y/N) Mills is the daughter of the Mayor of Storybrooke, Regina Mills. She isn't really her biological daughter but instead she was adopted, just like her brother, Henry, who was now off to other realms having his own adventure. Whereas (Y/N) was still in Storybrooke, her adventures more of a literary kind then the literal kind.

In Storybrooke, everyone has finally achieved their happy endings, except for her. (Y/N) thinks that she might be too young to receive her happy ending yet or that she might already have it with Regina and didn't know it. All of (Y/N)'s day consisted of going to school, going home, and occasionally going to the library.

She felt as if her life was boring but she didn't want to complain. She had a loving mother and a huge family-even if she isn't related to any of them. (Y/N) isn't part of any fairy tale that has been written, which sometimes makes her feel out of place.

Her other problems is that since she's the Mayor's daughter, everyone expects something of her. Everyone in Storybrooke knows that at first, Regina was a feared Mayor but now she isn't, she's respected and loved. Now, everyone is thinking that her daughter will become an example for their kids. A kind leader for the new generation. Even if becoming a Mayor requires the vote of the people, (Y/N) is fairly certain that if she will run for Mayor one day, she might get the position.

(Y/N) loves having a lot of people believe in her but sometimes, it's just too much. She scared that their expectations of her might be too high to reach and she might fail. If she does, everyone will see that she isn't the girl that they all thought that she was. That she was just an orphan, a person from the regular world that was lucky enough to be adopted.

There's another thing that's bugging (Y/N)'s head, how can many people believe in her, when she can't even believe in herself?

Now, in a dark and stormy night, (Y/N) was in her room curled up, reading a book. Her mom was with her aunt Zelena tonight, trying to have a sister's night. Thunder roared but it didn't bother (Y/N). For a split second, she looked out of her window and saw nothing a few city lights and the darkness. But then lightning roared this time and (Y/N) saw a boy standing in front of her house, dripping wet. She blinked and wore a jacket over her shirt.

Taking an umbrella, (Y/N) started to get into the cold and heavy downpour. The wind was strong and it made her umbrella fly away from her grasp. (Y/N) could've went back inside her house but she wanted to see who that person was. She went through the gates of her house and saw the boy still standing there. She walked towards him and saw that he was freezing, with his arms hugging him.

"Hey!" She exclaimed. She didn't think that he could hear her with the strong downpour. "You're freezing." She wrapped her arms around him although she isn't sure that it would give him any help.

Thomas Sangster, Robbie Kay, Peter Pan, and Newt ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now