133) SPECIAL XV: Points Of View

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November 20, 2018

Thomas Sangster X Robbie Kay X Peter Pan X Newt X Reader (AU)

Peter's POV

I ran my hands through my hair as I tried to focus on my homework, but I couldn't. My mind kept on coming back to that new girl in school. Wendy told me that her name was (Y/N) and that she was a nice girl, even Robbie told me the same thing. Wendy had Science with her, while Robbie has Calculus with her. Meanwhile, I don't have a single class with her but I could see her in the hallway from time to time. I also see her whenever I visit both of my cousins, Wendy and Robbie, in their classes.

That brings me to the encounter that I had with (Y/N) earlier this morning.

I was talking with Robbie about his Calculus homework since he said that he couldn't understand it, the same thing he tells me everyday. (Y/N) was also in the classroom talking with the girl in front of her. I was getting ready to take my leave and go to the cafeteria since it was my free period but Robbie wouldn't let me leave.

"Peter just one more exercise," he begged me.

"Fine," I sighed since I was really hungry.

When I was done and getting ready to take my leave, I heard a lot of whispering on the other side of the room, which was where (Y/N) was. I saw that (Y/N)'s face was really red and the girls were all pointing at me and smiling. She seemed to be swatting away all their hands. The girls were then calling my name and we're all pointing at her, but she didn't look like she liked the attention since she looked mad now.

My eyes were now on (Y/N) and she was hiding her face. She looked at me and I smiled and waved at her, causing her to turn her head and hide her face from me.

"I think you should go now," Robbie said to me, looking at her with concern. "I understand it now, just go."

I knew that he was lying, and that just made me curious. Seeing that I wasn't moving, Robbie had to push and lock me out of the classroom.

I have no idea why that was bothering me so much. I have no idea why I care so much. I take my phone and call Robbie so that I can have some advice from him.

"Hello?" He answers.

"What happened earlier in Calculus with (Y/N)?" I went straight to the point.

I hear his hesitation. "It's not my place to say, really."

"Help me out. I can't focus and I don't know why."

"Awww you like her," he teased.

"But she obviously doesn't like me," I said, not correcting him about me liking (Y/N). I don't like her, I'm just curious.

"Why do you say that?"

"Well I waved at her and she didn't wave back and just hid her face. Am I right or not?"

I couldn't understand what Robbie was saying but I heard something between the lines of "genius" and "idiot." Taking his silence as an answer, I hung up and concluded that (Y/N) doesn't like me, but I have no idea why.

(Y/N)'s POV

"I can't even believe what happened earlier in Calculus!" I gushed to my best friend, Newt, while we were walking home.

"What happened?" He asked.

"Peter smiled and waved at me!!" I squealed. "I freaking blushed like a tomato. It was so embarrassing."

I just came to StoryBrooke this year and attended their school. Newt has been my best friend and we've only met in the school, but there was something about the both of us that just clicked, so we're best friends now.

I didn't notice Peter at first, but when I saw him walking down the hall one day, I was entranced. I was immediately attracted to him. Wendy, who was his cousin, told me that he was the heartthrob of the school. I have a crush on Peter, but I'm pretty sure that I'm just attracted to him because he's cute. I only know that he's pretty smart from his cousins, but other than that, I have no idea.

It's not just him though, I have another guy that I have a crush on. Unlike Peter, who doesn't have any classes with me, this guy has all my classes with me. That guy's name is Thomas Sangster and he's also one of my friends. If I couldn't talk to Peter, I can talk really well with Thomas. I'm pretty comfortable with him.

Newt smiled at my reaction. "Did you wave back at him?"

"Shuck me, I didn't." I covered my face. "When he waved at me, I turned away because I was freaking red and hid my face from him. He probably thinks I that I have a crush on him!" I panicked. "Or he might think that I don't like him!"

"Not being rude here, but do you really think that it'll bother him that much?"

"You're right," I agreed with him. "Who am I in his life? No one. Just some girl that he sees everyday."

"Don't sell yourself short (Y/N)."







❤️ Once_Upon_A_Glade

Thomas Sangster, Robbie Kay, Peter Pan, and Newt ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now