131) Not Anymore

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A/N: Just a little heads up, I've published a new book which was the book I was talking about in the Tagged chapters and I've also finished my other book "Moving On." So if you'd like to check them out, feel free to do so.

Also, I'm so sorry for not updating in a while. I was focused on "Moving On" and I have to tell you guys that next week, will be the start of my school year. So yeah, I might not be able to update that much but who knows right?

Thanks for the 79, 800+ reads!

Thomas Sangster X Reader

(Y/N) was watching a show on her television when she suddenly received a call from Thomas. It confused her for a moment why Thomas would call her. So she didn't answer it, thinking that it wasn't exactly her he was trying to call. But when he tried to call her again a second time, that was when she replied.

"Hello?" She answered as she turned the television into mute.

"Hi (Y/N). Sorry, were you busy?"

"No. Not really. Just wasn't sure I was the one who were really trying to call."

"Oh come on, just because we got divorced doesn't mean I don't want to talk to you."

"Can we not start this?" (Y/N) sighed. She didn't want to argue with him. "Why did you call Thomas?"

"I need you to be my date for the premiere of my movie next week."

(Y/N) couldn't help but laugh at what Thomas said. Truth is, she hasn't laughed at something Thomas said in a long while. At first she though he was joking, but when she heard him silent on the other line, her smile turned into a frown when she realized he was serious.

"Oh my gosh you're serious," she said as her laughter died down. "Well, what's wrong with Isabella?" Isabella was his current girlfriend who's a model, as far as she knew. She hasn't met the girl but (Y/N) wasn't jealous that Thomas has moved on after a year. She was happy for him in fact.

"She has a photo shoot on that day."

"She couldn't just cancel?"

"No she can't. Please come with me," he begged.

"Is she alright with this?"

"Yes she's fine. I've already asked her and she said it's alright. You do know that she's your biggest fan right?" (Y/N) was a famous and respected writer of a fantasy series as well as a sci-fi one. She's currently working on the sequel to the sci-fi one and has been told that her fantasy series will be turned into a movie or which she hopes will be a good one. "So will you come?"

"You keep asking that but you haven't even told me the date." (Y/N) took out her planner to see if her schedule was clear on whatever date Thomas needed her.

"September 21. 5pm." Thomas also told her the venue and (Y/N) was surprised that she was actually free by that time. But she had a book signing on that day starting from one o'clock until three. But she could still make it.

"Yeah, I'm free by then. Pick me up by my house on four okay?"

"Oh thank you!" Thomas exclaimed. "So what's the color of the dress you'll be wearing?"

Thomas Sangster, Robbie Kay, Peter Pan, and Newt ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now