21) Build A Wall - Part 4

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Peter Pan X Reader

A/N: I'm to mess a little with the family tree. Rumple isn't Pan's son but Henry will be Pan's great great grandfather. It'll make sense when you read it.

Peter's POV

I opened my eyes and saw that I was back in Neverland, with (Y/N) lying on the ground, unconscious. I don't know what to do. Then I remember that (Y/N) exchanged her ring for my heart. Then Rumplestitlskin has the ring, I opened my mouth to call him but before I could, he was already beside me. 

"I need the (Y/N)'s engagement ring," I said.

"Mmmmm, no. Sorry dearie," he replied.

"What do you mean no?" I yelled at him. The girl of my dreams, the one I thought that got away is dying and the only thing that can save her is with the most annoying person in the world.

"Well dearie, I need it for a potion. A very very important potion so I can't give it to you."

"But what can I do? I can't let her die!"

Rumplestitlskin appeared in front of me then he took out my heart which now only contained a small shred of darkness. I thought that he was going to crush it, not that I was going to stop him. If (Y/N) was going to die, then I will to. Then we can be together in the Underworld. What shocked me was that he didn't crush it, instead he split it in half. He plunged one half of it inside of me while the other inside of (Y/N). Everything was silent for a few minutes, then I heard something that I haven't thought I'll hear again.

"Peter," (Y/N) said gasping. Her eyes showed panic and fear but it disappeared when she saw me.

"(Y/N)?" I said with shock.

She immediately stood up and hugged me tightly. I hugged her tighter and I had no intention of ever letting her go. I could feel her breath on my neck and I still can't believe that this is happening. I never thought that I would have her in my arms again. I never thought that she could be mine. I was so happy that I almost forgot that Rumplestitlskin was still there. He seemed to be watching us and then I remember that he's probably waiting for payment.

"So what do you want in return?" I asked him.

"Nothing dearie," he said and that really shocked me. It isn't really like him to not ask for anything since every deal he makes, or every time he helps someone, there's always a price.

"Why?" I asked.

"Let's just say that, I am invested in your future," he said, then he disappeared in a cloud of smoke. I didn't give him anymore thought and gave (Y/N) all my attention. We could've stayed like this forever but then I was shocked when (Y/N) pulled away with a look of fear in her face.

"(Y/N) what is it?" I asked.

"Eric," she said. "Please take me to him, I need to save him."

"Where is he?"

"By the shoreline," she replied.

I held her waist and imagined that we were at the shores of the beach. Then there we were in a blink of an eye. I felt (Y/N) go limp in my arms and I looked at her and saw that she was a little dizzy. She immediately began to regain herself and when she did, she shot me  the most beautiful smile saying that she was fine. It was a really usual that you feel a little dizzy when you transport yourself from one place to another. I stopped looking at her and turned my head to look for Eric. The both of us saw him at the same time and he was unconscious, I was about to take one step towards him then (Y/N) stopped me.

Thomas Sangster, Robbie Kay, Peter Pan, and Newt ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now