36) First Love

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Thomas Sangster X Reader

Thomas and (Y/N) enjoyed the shade of the tree. The both of them were just nine years old but Thomas looks so much younger. (Y/N) was looking at the scenery of the park before her. She thought that Thomas was doing the same but he was in fact looking at her. Thomas has gotten a crush on (Y/N) ever since but she was so oblivious. Thomas didn't mind because he had no intention of letting (Y/N) know.

"Hey Thomas, are you already thinking about what to write in your will?" (Y/N) asked out of the blue.

"Why would I be thinking about something like that at my age?"

"Nothing. You'll never know what will happen. So come on, I have an idea," she opened her bag and took out two bond papers and two white envelopes. "Write your will and the both of us will read it when we turn sixteen. So are you up for it?"

"Yeah sure."

Both Thomas and (Y/N) wrote their wills and made sure to let the other read it when they turn sixteen. That night, the both of them couldn't sleep and wondered what the roger wrote. They just shrugged it off knowing that they'll be able to read it in a few years.


Seven years later.....

Two months ago, (Y/N) was diagnosed with cancer. She has leukemia and they was no cure for it. (Y/N) was really depressed knowing that she won't be able to have a family, have a job and that she won't be able to do a lot of things she's dreamed of doing. Thomas was still her best friend but he wasn't always there because of his acting job.

(Y/N) enjoyed watching him in movies but she only watches them when she's by herself since Thomas doesn't like to see himself in the movies he's in. Since (Y/N) was nearing her death, Thomas was trying to take up the courage and tell her that he likes her. He hated seeing the person he loved suffering with such a sickness. He wished that it was him instead of her. He knew that she doesn't have long and neither does he with his confession.

Thomas came back after a project and made his way into the hospital when he landed. There he saw (Y/N) sleeping soundly. He smiled and quietly entered her room. She was supposedly to be discharged tomorrow because her parents hired a nurse for (Y/N).

Days later, the doctor said that (Y/N) seemed to be getting better but the sickness is still there. He just said that they should improve her quality of life. (Y/N) was glad that she was able to go home and tried to live her life to the fullest.

"Thomas!" (Y/N) ran towards her best friends and pulled him into a hug. "Oh how I missed this. I missed running. I missed feeling the wind at my face!"

Thomas chuckled at her happiness and snaked his hands around her waist. He didn't want to let go. She looked so fragile, as if she could break any second. "Come on. Let's sit down you look tired," Thomas said leading (Y/N) inside her house.

"Thomas I'm not tired," she said pulling away from Thomas. "I'm finally free and I want to do a lot of things. Go to lots of places before I die."

(Y/N) has already accepted that she'll die and she is already at peace with it but Thomas hasn't. A part of him wants to accept that she doesn't have long but another part of him has hope that she will overcome this sickness.

"No don't say that (Y/N)," Thomas said taking her hands in his. "You are not going to die."

"Thomas, everyone has to die someday," (Y/N) said. "My appointment is just a lot sooner than yours." She looked at Thomas and he looked like her was about to cry. She smiled and hugged him really tightly and surprised Thomas when she kissed his cheek. "Oh Thomas. You just have to accept that I'm not going to stay forever."

Thomas Sangster, Robbie Kay, Peter Pan, and Newt ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now