137) Sherlock Is A Girl's Name - Part 3

503 14 2

January 8, 2019

A/N: This third part of the imagine was requested by @starinthenightsky00

Thomas Sangster X Reader (AU)

Mary was waiting with Thomas to pick up (Y/N) from the airport. After a month of waiting, Mary was so exited that (Y/N) was going to meet Thomas. It was such a thrill for her sister to meet her boyfriend. When Mary received a text from (Y/N) that her plane had already landed, Thomas told Mary that he'll just take a quick trip to the bathroom to which she replied with a quick nod.

Just when Thomas was out of earshot, Mary heard a familiar voice screaming her name. "MARY!!!" Mary turned her head and saw (Y/N) with her luggage. The two sisters hugged each other tightly, both really happy that they saw each other again.

"I missed you," Mary sniffled.

(Y/N) smiled and wiped away her sister's tears. "I missed you too," she kissed her forehead. "Where's that boyfriend of yours? I want to meet him."

"He just went to the bathroom," Mary replied.

"Ah," (Y/N) nodded. "I have to go as well. Just watch this for me," she motioned to her luggage.

"Okay sure."

(Y/N) then quickly made her way into the bathroom. But as she walked, she suddenly stopped short when she saw a very familiar face.

It's Thomas. Her Thomas.

Well, he wasn't technically hers before or now. But it was just a thing she says to herself since Mary's boyfriend's name is also Thomas.

The last time she saw him was at her birthday and her thoughts were right when she saw him that night, he doesn't recognize her. He just walked past her with his hands in his pockets. (Y/N) wanted to go to him and talk to him. Perhaps ask how he was doing. She still didn't forget that he invited her for lunch when they graduated.

Well, sort of invited her. He just said that if they saw each other again, they should go out and have lunch to catch up.

(Y/N)'s legs were itching to run. Her fingers were itching to tap on that boy's shoulder and her voice was itching to call out his name. But just like before, just like in graduation, just like all the times she had her chance in high school, she blew it.

(Y/N) sighed sadly as she walked into the lady's room. Maybe she should just give up.

What the use of pining over a guy who doesn't even remember you?

That was the thought that kept on replaying on (Y/N)'s head until she saw her sister talking with someone. Both their backs were facing her, so they had no idea that she was coming their way. She gently pried her sister's hand from her luggage so that she'll carry it.

"Oh good you're here!" Mary exclaimed. "Finally you two can meet!" (Y/N) took in a deep breath to meet Mary's boyfriend. "(Y/N) this is Thomas. Thomas is this (Y/N)," Mary introduced them.

When (Y/N) opened her eyes, saying that she was shocked was an understatement. She was so surprised at the person facing her that she dropped her bags in the process.

"(Y/N) are you alright? You look like you've seen a ghost," Mary commented.

"Oh no no I'm fine," (Y/N) laughed nervously as she picked up her things. She tried to think of things that she could tell Mary in a way that won't reveal the truth. That she was shocked because she saw him on her way to the bathroom.

Yeah, she thought, that could be a good idea.

"You look familiar," Thomas said.

"Really?" Mary's eyes widened. (Y/N) was about to say her excuse, but was cut off by Thomas.

"(Y/N)!" He finally remembered. (Y/N) cursed under her breath because he finally recognized her.

"You two know each other?" Mary glanced between (Y/N) and Thomas, still oblivious that her sister was screaming for help.

"Yeah, we were classmates," Thomas said.

"Yeah we were," (Y/N) nodded. "I'm surprised to you still remember me."

"How could I not?" (Y/N) always thought that when she'd see him again and truly talk to him, butterflies will fill her stomach. But her stomach didn't feel like it had butterflies. In fact, she felt like she was going to hurl. "You've made an impression on graduation day," he laughed.

(Y/N)'s breath hitched. She's silently praying that Thomas won't mention graduation. Not here, not right now. But no one was answering.

"She was the one who said that Sherlock was a girl's name."

"That was her?"

(Y/N) suddenly felt worse because it meant that Thomas mentioned her to her sister. That they talked about the girl who said that Sherlock was a girl's name. She wondered if they laughed at the poor attempt of a confession. She also wondered if Thomas knew what it meant.

"Yep. Yep. That was me," (Y/N) admitted. "You know what that means? I mean Mary said that you two watch Sherlock sometimes right?"

"Yeah," Thomas nodded. All (Y/N) wanted was that someone would shoot her in the head right now.

"I had a huge crush on you back then," she laughed nervously. Trying to emphasize the word "had" which Mary seems to have caught.

"Had?" Mary asked.

"Yeah. Had," she repeated. "I mean it was years ago right," she tried to shrug it off.

"Yeah," Mary nodded obviously not buying it. "Well, let's go home. Mum and dad and the entire neighborhood are waiting for you."

"Really?" (Y/N) smiled, glad that the awkward conversation wasn't on going anymore, but she knew that it wasn't over yet.

"Yeah," Mary replied.

"Here, let me get your bags," Thomas offered (Y/N) to which she accepted.

(Y/N) was trying to convince and tell herself that she has no more feelings for Thomas. That she shouldn't even entertain the idea of them together anymore. But when Thomas took her bags and their fingers brushes against each other, she felt a shiver in her spine.

(Y/N) silently cursed under her breath because she clearly wasn't over him.







❤️ Once_Upon_A_Glade

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