129) Special Friend - Part 2

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A/N: This is a continuation of the request by @SarcasticBitch97.

Newt X Rose

A few months later, Gally got stung because a Glader who used to be a Runner, dragged Gally out into the Maze. That Glader has been stung as well, and nobody had any idea what got him to drag Gally out into the Maze. But now, that Glader was banished and Gally was healing inside the Med- Jack's hut.

Rose was devastated when she learned that her big brother got stung. Even more when she saw his change of attitude towards everyone, including her. He was hostile and strict with everyone, but he seemed like he was avoiding Rose because he was ashamed. Rose has never been able to talk with Gally ever since that incident.

Minho, Thomas, and Newt were very supportive and were always there for her. She was grateful for their friendship but she changed as well when Gally got stung. Her playful demeanor went away and she got more and more motivated to get everyone out of the Maze.

As Rose was eating her dinner with Minho, Thomas, and Newt, she suddenly felt a pain on her chest. She took in a deep breath and tried to breath, but each breath brought pain to her body.

"Rose what's wrong?" Newt asked. He eyed her and tried to see what's wrong with her.

"I don't know," she strained. "I don't-"

She suddenly fell on the ground with her eyes going at the back of her head. She was now unconscious. Minho has seen this process before with Gally and lifted Rose's shirt high enough to see the sting on her stomach. There were purplish veins running through her stomach and into her chest.

"Holy shuck," Thomas gasped.

"We gotta get her to the Med-Jack's hut!" Minho then carried her into the Med-Jack's hut while Clint ran there to get the medication.

Minho brought her into the Med-Jack's hut and she was injected with the serum just in time.


Rose has been unconscious for a few days and everyone was getting worried. The Runners were all really careful and checked themselves each time they got back from the Maze. Rose got stung without her noticing until it was almost too late.

She's got frequent visits from all her friends, especially Newt. He would see her whenever he's on his break. He'd eat his breakfast, lunch, and dinner there as well. If he could also sleep there, he would.

Newt has been carrying this fear every time he wakes up. He was afraid that Rose would be dead one day. Because it isn't normal for someone who got stung to be sleeping this peacefully. Even if he loved that she was peaceful, sometimes she looked so peaceful that she seemed like she wasn't there anymore. The only relief that Newt gets is the steady rising and falling of her chest.

A week has passed and Rose still hasn't waken up. Newt was getting restless. He demanded WICKED for answers on what was happening to her. But as he had expected, they didn't give him any.

That day, he went to the Med-Jack's hut and held her hand, just like he always does. Tears started to flow from his eyes once again. He's been crying ever since Rose got stung. No one mentioned it, but they all knew because his eyes were always bloodshot.

"You're impossible Rose, you bloody know that?" He sniffed. "First, you go on and became a Runner even if you know how dangerous it is. Even if Gally and I keep telling you not to. But you wanted to do it, you wanted to help with getting us all out, and now you're dying." Newt wiped away the tears in his eyes before continuing. "You know that when you said that I was your special friend?"

Thomas Sangster, Robbie Kay, Peter Pan, and Newt ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now