Chapter 4

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We parked the car somewhere else because the driveway was full of cars. We walked to the house. I was getting kinda nervous.

We knock loudly so they can hear. The door opens and standing there were the twins. Mia almost dropped to the floor and I held her trying not to laugh out loud.

"Hey guys," I say and smile.

"Hey girls, hey Cam, come on in," they say. We walk in. The house was beautifully decorated and they had a tree bigger than ours. Must be a pain to put that up. The stair railing had fairy lights all over them. Every part of the house was decorated. It was an amazing sight.

"You guys look amazing. Want anything to drink?" They ask.

"Thank you! And I'm good for now," I say. "Mia?" Out of the corner of my eye I see one of them check me out, I feel my face turn a light pink.

"Uh. Yeah I'm good too, t-thank you," she says. I step on her foot.

"Stop stuttering. You sound weird," I say quietly in her ear and I laugh.

"Alright cool. Yo cam, want anything? Also are you related to them?" They ask Cameron.

"Well she's friends with her and this one right here is my little sweet sweet sweet sisteeeeer," he says as he rests his arm on the top of my head. I groan loudly and they laugh. "Alright, I'm gonna go hang out with them, don't do anything stupid wittle sis," he says as he squishes my face. They laugh again and walk off.

"I told you he would embarrass me," I say and roll my eyes. Mia laughs.

"I really wanna go talk to him but I'm too shy," Mia says looking at one of the twins.

"Which one?" I ask.

"Ethan. The one with a bit of purple in his hair," Mia says.

"What's the other ones name again?" I ask.

"Grayson. Are you serious Maddie?" She asks and laughs.

"I'm sorry. I'm not obsessed with them like you," I say. "What's so special about them anyway?"

Mia looks at me in disgust. "They are hilarious. They aren't fuckboys like almost every guy at our school."

"How would you know they aren't fuckboys?" I ask.

"I don't know how to explain Maddie. I just know," she says.

As we stand around looking at everyone there, I saw my crush. "Oh my gosh Miaaa," I say and point to him. His names Geo, he's seventeen years old like my brother and he's hot as hell.

"No Maddie. Not him. He's not good for you," Mia says. I give her a confused look. "That's the definition of a fuckboy right there."

"He's not a fuckboy Mia," I say.

"Whatever. I really think Grayson and you would make a way better couple," Mia says.

"Nah," I say and laugh. "C'mon, let's go talk to Ethan," I say grabbing her wrist.

"Noooo Maddie!" She says pulling my hand back.

"This is your chance Mia! Don't be lame," I say.

"He won't like me. I'm too ugly for him," she says.

"What the fuck did you just say?!" I exclaim. I grab her wrist and pull her closer to Ethan. I wasn't watching in front of me so I crashed into someone. I quickly let go of Mia and look behind me.

"Oh shit! Sorry," I say. I look up and see Grayson.

He laughs. "It's fine."

As he starts walking away I call out his name. "Grayson!" I say. He turns around. He looked a little shocked. "Uh sorry but do you see that girl over there?" I ask pointing to Mia on her phone a couple of steps away from us.

"Yeah," he says.

"Well she likes your brother and I was wondering if you could please help me out and get them to at least talk," I say looking up at him. He was as tall as Cameron, pretty tall, it hurt my neck just having to look up.

Grayson POV

"Oh definitely! He's always telling me he's never gonna get a girlfriend and how he just wants someone to cuddle with," I say. She laughs. Her laugh is adorable.

"Alright awesome. I have an idea. It may be awkward for them but who gives a shit. So you're gonna call your brother to the bathroom because "something is stuck in the toilet" and I'll ask my friend if she wants to check up on how we look or some shit like that and we'll put them both in there and you quickly get out and we'll block the door so they can't get out," she says.

"Oh my lord, you're crazy," I say. She bursts out laughing. "I like that though," I say and nudge her. She giggles. "Alright let's do it. See if it works."


"Oh and by the way. I didn't get your name," I say.

"Oh, my names Madison. You can call me Maddie if you'd like," she says and smiles.

"Alright. Nice to meet you Maddie."

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