Chapter 10

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Madison POV

We listened to the teacher saying boring stuff. Basically everything we've already learned. Learning it over and over and over again. I guess it's good though. Good for finals coming up very soon.

Skipping to Lunch

Ethan and I were heading towards the cafeteria since we had last hour together. We stopped for a second so I could put some stuff in my locker and then we went into the lunch room. We went in line to get our food.

Once we got our food I saw Mia and Grayson waving over to us. We walked to the table and sat down. It was kind of awkward sitting next to Grayson knowing the rumor going around. Who knows if it's true though. What I'm wondering is, who spread it?

As I'm about to take a bite out of my sandwich, I notice Grayson taking a picture of me.

"NOO!" I say and cover my face quickly. It was too late though. I took his phone out of his hands and looked at the picture. His eyes were closed facing the ceiling smiling and I was just eating. "Please don't post it," I say and laugh.

"Fine," he says and laughs. After a while I get a notification on Snapchat. It was from Grayson. I look at him quickly and he laughs.


I got on snapchat and saw that it was the picture but I had the '🐸' emoji on my face so all you could really see was the top part of my shirt and my arms. I sighed in relief. "Why do you over react about this kind of stuff so much?" He asks and laughs. I shrug not really knowing.

I was guessing that, that will always happen at lunch from now on.

Skipping to Gym

Finally, we were arriving at our last hour. Having gym as last hour is pretty awesome because all you have to do is hang around.

I see the twins getting a football and passing it back and forth to each other. "Aye, you wanna play soccer?" I ask Mia.

"Sure," she says. I get the soccer ball and Mia sets up the two nets. We set the ball in the middle and I run at it and kick it. She kicks it toward her goal and I quickly run and kick it away. "Ugh you bitch!"

I laugh and I kick it and score. We start over. The second round I kicked it too hard and it went flying across the court and it hit some guy right on top of the head.

"SORRY!" I yell from across the gym. Everyone laughed. The kids face turned bright red, I felt really bad. Just then, I see a football coming towards me. I quickly catch it.

"Hey! You trying to steal our ball?" I hear Grayson say. I laugh and throw it back to them.


School was out. Everyone grabbed their backpack and the four of us went outside together. It was still kinda cold outside but not as cold, I could handle it.

I saw Cameron and he bro-hugged the twins. They started a conversation but I was focused on Geo. He was talking to his friends. Mia waved her hand in front of my face. "What?" I say.

"Come back into reality Maddie," she says and I laugh.

"He's just so hot," I say laughing. Mia rolls her eyes. Geo then looks up and sees that I'm staring. He waves at me. Shit. I wave back quickly and turn back to my group.

"Alright well let's go Madison," Cameron says walking away to the car.

"Okay bye guys!" I say and smile. "You coming Mia?"

"Oh my moms picking me up today," she says.

"You sure?" I say walking backwards. She nods. "Kay, bye guys." They all wave and I jog to the car.


Once I get home I see my parents. I was still kinda mad at my mom when she said I wasn't allowed to go to another party again.

"Madison and Cameron, come here," she says. They were both sitting at the kitchen table. We walked over to them. "Sit down please."

Cameron sat down and they looked at me. "I'm okay standing," I say and laugh. She looks at me a little longer then goes on.

"Your father and I are going on a business trip and we won't be back until next Monday," she says. My eyes go wide. I have a whole week without any bossing around. "I am putting Cameron in charge."

"What?! He's way more irresponsible than me!" I say.

"Madison, you have proven to me that Cameron is more responsible than you," my mom says.

"That's embarrassing," Cameron says and I smack the back of his head.

"Stop!" My dad says. I sigh.

"We left 150$ in the drawer if you need anything from the store. Don't waste it on stupid stuff. Cameron, make sure this one doesn't go to any parties okay?" She says referring to me.

"I got chu mom," he says.

Oh I'm still going to that party.

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