Chapter 14

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Grayson POV

Ever since the day I saw Madison walk into my house, I thought she was gorgeous. Not only that, she seemed so fun to hang around and I was right. I always laugh so hard when in around her and don't get me wrong I laugh really hard when I'm with Ethan but something about her just makes me really happy and I'm glad I can call her my girlfriend now.

Madison POV

When I arrived home I couldn't stop smiling. It feels awesome having a boyfriend and I really liked Grayson. I walked in the door and saw Cameron sitting on the island in the kitchen eating. If my parents were here he would not be able to sit there.

"Why are you so happy?" Cameron asks suspicious.

"Can I not be happy Cameron?" I ask him.

"Okay calm down," he says putting his hands up in surrender.

I made myself some food and sat on the couch and watched Netflix. As I was in the middle of watching Bobs Burgers, I got a message.

Gray👅: Hey baaaabe, you still coming to Geo's party on Saturday?

Of course (:

Gray👅: Do you want to be my date there?


Gray👅: Alright, when are we leaving so I'll be ready?

Well since I have to sneak out I have to wait till my brother goes to sleep.

Gray👅: Oh I'm sure that'll happen very soon.

I laughed at the last message and put my phone back down.

Next Day

We were currently in our last hour sitting down in the bleachers. I was sitting alone, I didn't really want to play so I just sat there on my phone. "Cmon Maddie! Don't be boring," Mia says.

Just then I see Geo walking towards me. Eh he's probably going to get something out of his backpack. Nope, he came straight to me.

"Hey girl," he says. I started to get nervous but why should I get nervous, I have a boyfriend and he was a couple of feet away from me.

"Hi," I say.

"What are you doing sitting alone?" He asks. Why does everyone ask this?

"I just don't wanna play today," I say and laugh.

"Okay, well are you coming to the party I'm throwing on Saturday?" He asks slouching down a little.

"Yeah of course," I say and smile.

"Cool. I was wondering if you would like to go with me? I know I know, it's my party but I mean like, hang out there, I can show you around," he says.

"Well I was actually going with my boyfriend," I say.

"Oh you have a boyfriend," he says. I nod awkwardly. This is new. Guys never just walk up to me like this, ever. It honestly felt awesome. "Well that sucks. Sorry I'll leave you alone now," he says and laughs a little.

"Hey, I'm sorry. I know it takes a lot of guts to come up to someone like that and thanks for asking," I say and smile feeling bad.

"Nah, it's alright."

He walks away. Then, I see Grayson coming up to me. "Was he talking to you?" Grayson asks me. I nod. "I am warning you, don't go near him. He uh, hooks up with a lot of girls."

I gasp. Mia was right? "Well thanks for telling me," I say.

"No problem," he says and smiles at me. He sits down and puts his arm around me. "You should've told him that your all mine."

I giggle.

"Did you know I announced on my Twitter that we are officially a couple?" He asks.

"What?! Twitter? Where you have millions of followers?" I ask.

"Yeah, I thought that they should know," he says. I smile. He goes back to playing basketball with Ethan and a couple of other guys.

I get on my phone and look at my Twitter and go to the tweet where Grayson announced we were dating. Some were nice and positive and some- well, a lot were hate. This is what I worried about. Getting tons of hate. I don't know if I'll be able to handle it. No, this can't bother me. I ignored it for now and returned to looking at people play.


When I got home, I got messages from my dad.

Dad: Hello Madison. Did you get home safely?


Dad: Well now that you're home, I wanted to show you something I found.

What is it?

Dad: I found your little friends social media and found this. *Video*

I clicked on the video and it was Grayson and Ethan doing the grind on me. I wanted to laugh so hard but I knew this was a serious situation.

What about it?

Dad: Are you serious? You're hanging out with them? They are just little boys who want to get in your pants.

They just did that for fun.

Dad: You better not be hanging out with them. They are fuckboys.

Do you even know the definition of a fuckboy??

Dad: The definition of a fuckboy is Grayson Dolan.

Dad: and I'm just going to tell you right now, I do not like them at all and I never will like them.

I didn't respond after that.

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