Chapter 8

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Cameron parked the car in the driveway and we were heading to the front door. I was nervous because I knew I was going to get a lecture.

Cameron opens the front door and we see my mom sitting on the couch watching her boring TV shows.

"Madison. Come over here," she says. I slouch on a different couch from her. "Why would you stay at that party that long when you know I wouldn't like it?" She says.

"Okay first of all why are you only giving me this lecture? Cam was at that party too!" I say.

"Because you were the one who wanted to go to that damn party!" She says. "Not Cameron."

"This is fucking favoritism! I don't want to hear what you have to say!" I say as I'm getting up heading towards the stairs.

"You are not allowed to go to another party ever again!" She yells loudly. I go to my room and slam the door and lock it. God, why is my mom like this.

All of a sudden, my phone dings.

Random Number: Hey you okay? You seemed a little upset when you left. This is Grayson btw.

Oh. Hey Grayson. Yeah it's just my mom gets on my nerves sometimes.

I quickly changed his name to, 'gray🤑' since Mia says he's a "billionaire".

Grayson: That sucks. Hopefully you can come to another party someone is throwing. Pretty sure his names Geo. It's next Saturday.

Umm. We'll see (:

Grayson: Cool. Talk to you later!


I know my mom said I wasn't allowed to go to another party but what if I just sneak out? It's risky but I don't care. You never know, it might work.

I got ready to go to bed. I brushed my teeth and put on some sweats and a shirt and I got tucked in bed and got on my phone. I checked all my social media.

Twitter: @GraysonDolan is now following you! @EthanDolan is now following you!
Instagram: @GraysonDolan followed you! @EthanDolan followed you!
Snapchat: Grayson Dolan added you!ETHANDOLAN added you!

Well they found all my social media. Should I be happy? I mean, like Mia said, their famous. Why would they talk to us though? Us. Potatoes.

I took a quick selfie on snapchat but posted it on Instagram. Surely enough, ten minutes later they both liked it. Good thing it was a cute one. *Picture above*

Soon enough, I fell asleep as I was on my phone.

Three o'clock AM

I heard my phone ringing next to me on my bed. I picked it up and my eyes hurt so bad looking at the light. Once they got used to it I saw that Grayson was calling me.

What the hell? I thought.

I answer it. "Hello?" I say my voice raspy.

"Aw, were you sleeping?" He asks and laughs.

"Yes and you woke me up dickhead."

He laughs. "The party barley ended and I saw that selfie you posted on Instagram. You looked cute," he says. I blush, good thing he's not here.

"Thank you," I say and laugh.

"Look, I know it's three in the morning and I know you're tired but you should come outside your house. Just so I can see your face again," he says. I can feel him smiling.

"Are you outside my house right now?" I ask.

"Maybe," he says and let's out a little laugh.

"Oh my gosh, you're crazy. Only for a sec, if my mom catches me, she will beat me up," I say. "I'm not joking."

"Just for a sec," he says.

I hang up and I go over to my window. I stay silent for a while to make sure my mom isn't awake. I then open my window and stick my head out. I get onto the roof.

"How am I gonna get the fuck down from here?" I say. "Catch me."

"Alright, go," he says getting under me. I slide off and he catches me by my waist. He puts me down.

"Thank god you actually caught me," I say and sigh in relief.

"Of course."

"Okay what do you want? Is this all because I really don't wanna get caught. One thing you have to know, my mom is really freaking strict," I say looking up at my window.

"Oh. So you're being bad right now?" He asks smirking. I lightly push him and laugh. "And no this is not all I wanted to do."

"What then?" I ask and giggle. He stretches his arms out and hugs me. I hug him back. "Thanks?" I say laughing in his chest.

"That's all," he says as he pulls away.

"Okay," I say and laugh. "Well you better help me get back on this roof," I say.

"Get on my shoulders," he says. I do as told and he brings me close to the roof. Luckily I could reach it. I grab on and pull myself up.

"Bye!" I whisper/yell to him. He does the same. I get back in and close my window slowly. I get back in bed and smile. Well that just happened.

Ups & Downs - Grayson DolanWhere stories live. Discover now