Chapter 44

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Grayson and I were finally married! We had a kid named Miguel and of course Kylie and we couldn't be happier.

We were still living in the same house with Mia, Ethan, and Cameron and we weren't planning on moving to be honest. We haven't struggled with space, it was a big house.

Kylie turned out to be the most beautiful little girl I've ever seen and Miguel was just the cutest little baby boy.

Unfortunately, we found out days ago that my mother was killed by her boyfriend that she was with. I was so happy to hear about her having a boyfriend and she wouldn't be alone. I cried all day that day. I couldn't believe it.

We were all older but we haven't changed a bit. We still acted like five year olds on a trampoline, I almost thought Kylie was more mature than us. We went to the park quite often to let Kylie play. Both of our kids were really calm. We couldn't be more blessed.

We were all sitting at a table watching Kylie play with some other kids. She was already making friends. I love her and I'm so proud of her. She's a very outgoing kid.

I held Miguel in my arms swaying him so he would fall asleep since he hadn't slept for hours. Grayson looked down at me and kissed me. It's been years being with him and I still always feel the spark when he kisses me or even just looks at me passionately. Words can't explain how happy I am to be with him.

Mia and I have been best friends for years and I feel like I don't even deserve her because she's just the best person ever. Cameron and Ethan are just the most hilarious people I know. They always know how to make me laugh. They make me the happiest person alive when they tell stupid jokes or just act stupid in general. Grayson is the best husband and father. I could never ask for a better husband. Ever. I know our children will grow up to be the most intelligent cutest girl and boy. Geo and I got off on good terms. We didn't talk or see each other a whole lot but he did come over to see Kylie for a bit sometimes and I'm fine with that. I realized I can't be so selfish and he deserves to see his daughter. Kylie does call Grayson dad though which makes me happy. When she's older, she'll understand why Geo was always with her as a child.

There were a hell lot of Ups and Downs but it never could've ended better than this.


I hope you all enjoyed this book as much as I loved writing it! Thank you for the CRAZY amount of reads (:

I will definitely update all of you when a new book comes out!



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