Chapter 40

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Grayson POV

I could tell that when Madison looked at me, she got the wrong idea. She picked up the camera and looked at it.

"It's recording," she says. "What the fuck were you gonna do Grayson?"

"I didn't put that there," I say standing up looking at the camera.

"Stop acting like you didn't. Who else would've done it? You're the one who takes care of the cameras," she says.

"Madison, I seriously di-"

"I'm pregnant! What the hell is wrong with you?" She says. She puts the camera down and goes down stairs. I walk after her.

"I swear to you, I wouldn't do that," I say grabbing her wrist and turning her around. She was crying. "Why are you crying?" I ask wiping her tears away with my thumb.

"Because Geo was right! You're just like him! Everyone just uses me!" She says and walks out the house. I sigh.

Why are relationships so hard?

"What's up with her?" Ethan asks coming downstairs with Mia behind him.

"I don't know. There was a camera recording in our room and we were just kissing and it fell and she thought wrong," I say putting my head in my hands.

"Why were you recording anyways?" Mia asks laughing.

"It's not my camera. I don't know where it came from," I say. They look at me confused.

"I'm gonna go look at it," Ethan says. Mia and him go upstairs and I just go sit down on the couch contemplating life.

"Uhh Grayson?" Ethan says. I look behind me and look at him. "There's no camera anywhere in the room."

I get up and go upstairs to our room. I look at the place where it was and it was gone. The only thing there was the sweater.

"Is this house haunted or some shit?" I mumble to myself.

"Where did Madison even go? Gosh, she's such a drama queen," Mia says looking out the window.

I wanted to agree with her so bad but I didn't. Sure, she can be one but she had a reason to be one this time. I don't blame her. I'm confused as well.

"C'mon, she's probably just outside," Ethan says. We all go outside and see Madison by the car talking to someone on the phone.

"We'll leave you alone nooow," Ethan says and Mia laughs as they go inside.

I go up to her once she hangs up. "Who were you talking to?" I ask.

"No one," she says. "All you need to know is I'm not staying here tonight."

"Where are you going?" I ask her.

"I'm staying at a hotel. I just really don't want to be here right now," she says.

"Really Madison? Why won't you just believe me? Relationships are supposed to be filled with trust and honesty and I'm being honest right now! You have to trust me. Why would I put a fucking camera down? I'm not like that," I say.

Ups & Downs - Grayson DolanWhere stories live. Discover now