Chapter 33

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Madison POV

It was the next day. Grayson hasn't texted or called me. He's so busy. All I could really think of was him. Luckily, I didn't have to wake up early and go to school since I'm homeschooled now.

It was honestly so much better being at home doing school work and being comfortable.

After I did my school work, Mia texted me and asked me if I wanted to go shopping. No, not clothes shopping but food shopping. Of course I had to agree.

Food Market

When we arrived I got a shopping cart and we both held onto it. As we looked around Mia said, "so Ethan texted me yesterday."

"What did he say?" I ask.

"He said that he missed me," she says putting milk in the cart.

My eyes widen. "What did you say back?" I ask.

"I told him I missed him too but I didn't wanna get back together right away," Mia says.

"MIA!" I say loudly.


"MIJA! MIJA!" I say and put my head in my hands. "Why would you do that? You know how broken he was when I saw him! He's probably even more broken now," I say.

"I just don't feel like getting back together right now," she says.

"He's Ethan fucking Dolan!" I say putting my hands on her shoulders and shaking her. "You are in love with him! What if he gets another girlfriend on the way back here? You would be heart broken wouldn't you?" I ask. She looks down thinking.

"Well...yeah," she says.

"MIA! HE LOVES YOU!" I say. "Get him before he goes into someone else's life."

"Fine okay. I'll call him later," she says.

"No! Call him right now!" I say.

"No not right now. I'm not rea-" before Mia could finish her sentence, I snatched her phone away. "MADISON!"

I run away from her as she runs behind me. I knew her password and got into her phone. I FaceTime Ethan. I looked behind me and she was still chasing me.

After the fourth ring, he picks up.

"Madison?" Ethan asks when he sees me. "Why are you running?"

"I'm running away from Mia. Ethan, Mia loves you and wants to get back together with you. She was telling me that. She was too scared to do it so I'm doing it for her," I say.

"You're lying," he says and chuckles.

"I swear Ethan! Just answer the question! Do you wanna be with her or not?" I ask.

"I wanna hear her ask me," he says. I stop running and groan. I put the camera on Mia as she's running to me. She steals the phone back and sees Ethan.

"Uhh. Hi Ethan," she says.

"Hey Mia."

"Miaaa!" I sang. "Is there something you wanted to tell Ethan?"

She rolls her eyes at me and Ethan laughs. "Ethan, okay I fucking love you and I want to be with you," Mia says.

"Are you asking me to be your boyfrieeend?" Ethan says jokingly.

"Yes. Yes I am," Mia says.

"Oooh of course!" He says and we laugh.

"Awe. I love you Ethan," she says as we start walking back to our cart.

"I love you more," he says. "Oh and can I see Madison?"

Mia hands me the phone. "What's up?" I ask.

"Grayson is getting really upset that you aren't calling him. I keep telling him to call you but he keeps saying that you're probably busy," he says.

"I wasn't calling him because I thought he was busy," I say.

"Oh nahhh. We're only busy around the morning and sometimes at night," he says.

"Okay well I'll call him later. Don't tell him," I say and he nods. I hand it back to Mia and they do their lovey-dovey stuff.

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