Chapter 12

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Madison POV

Several minutes passed by and I was called downstairs. I saw my mom and dad on the couch. Great.

"Do you mind showing us a picture of this Grayson kid. Actually I don't care if you do mind, show us," my dad says. I get my phone out of my pocket and go on Grayson's Instagram.

I turn my phone around and they look at the photo carefully. *Picture above*

"Shirtless?" My dad says.


"Don't make me ground you," my mom says. "He doesn't look like he's a good influence for you."

"Just because he's shirtless?! Oh my gosh mom! He's clearly at the pool!" I say. "Fine then." I say searching for another picture.

 "Madison, that's even worse," my mom says

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"Madison, that's even worse," my mom says.

"HOW?" I exclaim.

"Like I said. He. Doesn't. Look. Like. A. Good. Influence. For. You," she says pausing repeatedly.

"You've never met him! You don't know! He even hangs out with Cameron," I say.

"Cameron! Come down here!" My mom yells. Cameron comes down the stairs and up to us. "Show him the picture. Is this guy a good guy?"

Cameron looks at the picture and then at me. I give him the, 'please say yes or this will ruin me' look.

"Uh. He's a...good guy but not for Madison."

"CAMERON!" I yell. He bursts our laughing and runs upstairs. "He's a good guy mom!" I say.

"Nope. Go back to your room."

"MOM! I'll FaceTime him if you want! He's a good guy I swear!" I say.

"Do it then," she says.

I go to Grayson's contact and I sit next to them and put the phone where they can all see the screen. I FaceTime him and after the third ring he answers.

I put the camera the other way so he wouldn't freak out when he sees my parents. His face pops up. He's on his bed shirtless.

"Oooookay! We're done here," I say and bow to them and run upstairs to my room locking the door.

"What happened?" Grayson asks and laughs.

"Grayson as beautiful as your body is, I really wish you weren't shirtless right there," I say and laugh.

I see him smirk. "Why though?"

"I was trying to convince my parents that you were a good guy but apparently to them good guys don't take their shirts off and act human," I say and laugh loudly.

"Oh. Well shit sorry. I didn't know you weren't allowed to date," he says.

"We're not dating though," I say and giggle.

"I knoooow!" He says. We stay quiet for a while. "I can make it up to your parents. I can come over and greet them with a shirt on."

I laugh. "Well their leaving for a business trip later today and they aren't coming back till next Monday," I say.

"Hey, they don't have to know about us," he says.

"There is no us."

"Not yet."

Ups & Downs - Grayson DolanWhere stories live. Discover now