Chapter 34

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When Mia and I got everything we needed, we paid and loaded her car with the groceries.

"Give me your phone. I need to look something up. My phone died," Mia says and rolls her eyes.

"You talked to Ethan too much," I say and laugh as I hand her my phone. After she put my password in, she started calling someone.

"No Mia! I wanted to surprise him myself!" I say trying to take the phone away knowing she was FaceTiming Grayson.

"And guess what? I wanted to surprise Ethan!" She says and backs away from me so I couldn't get the phone.

"Hey Grayson!" Mia says.

"Oh uh. Hey Mia...why do you have Madison's phone?" He asks laughing a little.

"I just wanted to tell you that Madison doesn't miss you and she hates you," she says.

"MIA!" I yell. I take the phone away. "Fuck you! I was actually nice to you!"

She laughs loudly. "Hey Gray!" I say and smile. "Don't listen to Mia. That wasn't true."


"I miss you too," I say and stick my bottom lip out. "When are you coming back?"

"A couple more weeks to go babe," he says and I nod. Mia starts to drive. "Also, I heard Mia is back with Ethaaaan!" He says loud enough for Mia to hear. She blushes a little.

I put the camera on her. "She's blushing," I say and laugh. He laughs too.

"Where are you guys going?" He asks.

"I don't know. We just went food shopping. We'll probably go get ice cream or something," I say. "Since you aren't here, Mia's taking me on a date." I smirk at Mia and she laughs.

"When I get back I promise I'll buy you everything you want!" he says.

"All I want is your love!" I say and laugh.

"Can you guys shut up. That's disgusting," Mia says and fake gags.

"Were not as bad as you and Ethan," I say. She playfully rolls her eyes.

"So how's the baby?" He asks. I hated hearing this question because I totally forgot about it and I was having such a good day. It's still my child...and I have to treat it well.

"Starting to hurt a little but so far so good," I say.

"I'm sorry I can't be there right now," he says.

"It's okaaay," I say. "How's tour going?"

"Amaziiing," he sings. "I've met a lot of people who have been saying they ship us," he says laughing.

"Gradison? Eww," I say and laugh.

Mia drives until we are at the ice cream shop. "Well I'm gonna go now. Pleaseee call me later or tomorrow!" He says.

"Okaaay bye!" I say. I kiss the camera and I end the call.

Mia and I get out of the car and get some ice cream. We sit in the shop.

"So what are you gonna do when Ethan comes back from tour?" I ask.

"What do you mean what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna cover him in kisses," she says and I laugh.

"Wait," I say realizing something. She raises her eyebrows. "Does Ethan know about you and Geo?"

"Were not together Madison," she says.

"I know did it," I say uncomfortably.

"Do you think I need to tell him?" She asks.

"Well, why would you hide that from him?" I say.

"But Ethan and I weren't together when I was with Geo," she says.

"I guess," I say. I wasn't too sure about Mia's decision. If I was her I would tell Ethan.

Ups & Downs - Grayson DolanWhere stories live. Discover now