Chapter 38

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Madison POV

Grayson kept calling me and I felt so bad not picking up. I was so excited that I was going to live in LA with him. In all he's called me 28 times and texted me about 30 times. He's insane.

He called again and I decided to pick up this time. "Hello?" I say trying to sound as upset as possible.

"Babe! Finally you pick up," he says. "I need you to tell me what we are. I'm tired of questioning myself."

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Like, are we still together?" He asks.

I didn't know what to say so I stayed silent for a while and thought it out. If I say no, it would make this "prank" or whatever it is better but if I do say no it will break him and I don't want to hurt him even more. If I say yes, he'll be pretty happy and not make this prank that well.

Fuck it.

"I don't want to be in a long distance relationship Grayson," I say.

"But I love you! I can't live without you. This can work out," he says. I felt so evil. I just wanted to tell him now.

I ended the call before my secret came out. I couldn't hold it in. I had to tell someone. So, I called Ethan.

"Yo!" He says.

"Ethan. I have something to tell you," I say. "Grayson isn't around right?"

"No. He's been in his room all day," he says. My heart dropped. Poor Grayson.

"Okay. I'm going to LA-" Ethan cut me off and and yelled.

"YEEES!" He says.

"Wait wait wait!" I say. "Don't tell Grayson. I want to keep this a secret."

"Oh wow. You are cold hearted bro," he says and I laugh.

"I wanna prank him bro," I say. He laughs.

"Okay. I won't tell him," he says.

"Okay. Imma go tell Mia now," I say.

"Oh she's right here. She heard everything," Ethan says turning the camera around.

I see Mia sticking her middle finger out. "Mia! Don't tell him okay? I don't trust you, Ethan make sure she doesn't tell," I say and Ethan agrees.

A while later, I end the call. We talked about how we were gonna do this. My mom or Cameron would drive me to the airport and Mia and the guys go in a separate car. The plan is for them to get there first and as they are about to go on the plane, I show up and surprise Grayson.

This is going to be gooood.


Today was the day I would be surprising Grayson. I was so excited. I took a shower and put on something casual. *Picture Above*

Mia: We're at the airport right now.

Okay. I'm leaving now.

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