Chapter 32

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Grayson POV

I waited and waited for a call from Madison but I never got one and I didn't wanna call her because she's probably busy and that's why she's not calling me. I was currently in an apartment in LA. We had tons of shows to do here. So far, they were all so much fun. I love meeting my supporters.

There's been very different kinds of people. Ones who are shy, casual, freaking the hell out, aaand the ones who pass out. Luckily, that hasn't happened.

"Bro, some people keep knocking on our door," Ethan says when he walks in my room.

"Why?" I ask.

"I don't know. I think their fans but I can't tell," he says.

"Should we answer?" I ask.

"I mean what if they leak our room number and where we are?" Ethan asks.

"Well if they know now, they probably told everyone by now," I say.

"Let's go answer then," he says. I get up and follow Ethan to the door. I look through the peep hole first. There were three girls. They all had their phones in their hand and they kept talking to each other freaking out a little.

I open the door. They start screaming. I look at Ethan and his eyes are wide. I burst out laughing.

"Grayson! Ethan!" They say. "We love you so much! Oh my goshhh."

"We love you too," I say and chuckle.

"I promise I won't tell anyone where you guys are. I saw you walk in here and I really just wanted a quick picture. I can't afford going to one of your shows but I really wish I could," the one that looks older says. She looks about fifteen.

"It's all cool. You wanna take a picture?" Ethan asks and smiles.

We take a few pictures with all three of them. After that, we hug them and they leave. Little things like that make me so happy.

We had a show in about fifteen minutes and we weren't ready at all. We always did this.

On Stage

We were finally on stage and all I could hear right now was screaming. I smiled at the crowd. I took a video of them and posted it on Snapchat.

We started off with a q and a. Someone picked out questions for us from twitter that some people asked us and we were going to answer them.

"What's the weirdest place you've ever met a fan?" Ethan read the question.

"The weirdest place I've ever met a fan was right at my door step. Uh that actually happened today soooo," I say and laugh.

"Yeah, I'm gonna have to say the same thing," Ethan says.

"What are some of your life goals?" I read. "Some of my life goals is to meet all of you guys! and just to be a happy person and to be more outgoing," I say smiling.

"My life goal is to be less awkward when I socialize," Ethan says and I laugh and the crowd does too.

"Relationship status?" I read the next tweet and Ethan gave me a little smirk. I laugh.

I could tell by his expression after that, that he was thinking of Mia. He's being strong though.

"I'm a single pringle, don't worry guys, you still have a chance," Ethan says and they go wild and scream loudly. We laugh. "GRAAAAYSON ON THE OTHER HAND....."

"I-I don't know what you're talking about. I don't have a girlfriend. I don't need a girlfriend, I have my mom," I say playfully and they laugh.

"Graaaayson," Ethan says and raises his eyebrows.

"Next question," I say and look up at the projector. "I'm just kidding guys. Yes I have a girlfriend and her name is Madison and I LOVE HER!"

I hear some "awwwes" in the room and I blush a little and laugh.

The show goes on. I was having the time of my life.

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