Chapter 23

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Madison POV

It was Tuesday after school and I was about to head out to go on a date with Grayson.

I asked my mom if I could go. At first she was a little strict about it and then she finally let me. My dad was luckily not home so I could just leave without having to lie to him.


We were at a restaurant. It wasn't fancy and all that but I heard it had good food.

"Soooo? Does your mom and dad like me nooow?" Grayson asks as we wait for our food.

"Uhh. Yeah. They love you," I say and laugh awkwardly. I didn't wanna tell him that my dad didn't like him. It would break his heart.

"Thank the loooord!" He says happily. I felt so bad. "Now it's your turn to meet my parents."

"Oh god," I say and laugh.

"What?" He asks and laughs too. "You have it way easier since you're a girl. You know how nervous I was meeting your dad?"

I laugh and nod. "What if we go meet them after this?" I ask.


"Yeah why not?" I say and giggle.

"Let's dooooo it," he says.

After we ate at the restaurant, it was time to meet Grayson's parents.

As Grayson was driving to his parents' house I got a text from Mia.

Mia: Hey girl, wanna go get ice cream later today?

I'm with Grayson right now, sooooorrry.

Mia: D; okaaaaaay.

Sorry Mia, I'm about to meet his parents.

Mia: Woah, good luck with that.

Parents' House

We both got out of the car and Grayson knocked on the door. I was so nervous I grabbed his shirt tightly and he laughed at me.

"Don't worry," he says and kisses my forehead.

A girl opened the door. "Hey Cameron," Grayson says.

"Hi," she says. She let's us in and I see Ethan laying on the couch and their parents at the kitchen table.

"Mom, dad, Cameron, this is Madison my girlfriiiiend," Grayson says.

"Woah. An actual girl likes you?" Cameron says.

"Shut up Cam," he says and I laugh.

Cameron greets me and shakes my hand. "Hello honey," his mom says.

"Hello Mrs Dolan," I say and smile.

"Please, you can call me Lisa," she says and smiles.

"Hello. I'm Sean," his dad says. I greet all of them normally and it wasn't that awkward to be honest.

"Oh and that's Ethan over there. Come and greet her Ethan!" Lisa says.

"Oh it's okay. I've already met him," I say smiling and Ethan nods.

"Oh wow. Besties already," she says and I laugh.

"Well I'm gonna go drop her back off at her house," Grayson says.

"Alright," they say.

"Nice meeting you guys," I say and smile. They smile back and we leave the house.

I sighed in relief. "Now was that so hard?" Grayson says starting the car up.

"Yes actually," I say and laugh. "So do you not live with your parents anymore?"

"No. I moved out when I just turned seventeen," he says.

"Wow. I don't think my parents would let me go even if I was nineteen," I say.

"Are you serious? Why?" He asks. After he asked that question we were already at my house, our houses weren't that far apart. Just a street away.

"Well they are kinda strict," I say opening the door.

"Well hopefully we'll do this again some other time. Bye, I like you."

I laugh. "I like you too," I say and kiss his cheek. 'I love you' was a little too much for us right now.

I shut the car door and I went inside my house. My dad was there so I quickly went upstairs to my room. I go into the bathroom and I notice something on the sink. It was a pregnancy test stick.

I look behind me and see my mom.

"Im tired of being worried Madison. It's time to find out."

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